
Friday, April 7, 2017


Dewberries are in bloom (and even have small berries), woo hoo!!

Dewberry blooms
We can't wait to harvest some.  We missed it last year because of the monsoon rains but so far so good this year.  We have grand plans for some dewberry jam (canning!) and 2nd Man wants to try his hand at some cobblers and muffins.  My mouth is watering already!  For those who are new to the blog, click on the "dewberries" tag below this post or over on the right side where it shows "labels".  But here is an early blog link about them:  DEWBERRIES

The weather forecast for this weekend is wonderful, so we plan to take full advantage.  I hope to get more flowerbeds done and continue clearing the forested area (that's what we're calling it, for now, ha) and hoping that I can skip a week of mowing so that I can focus on these other things.  It would be awesome to get them DONE this weekend.


  1. How blessed you are to have such a nice patch of wild Dewberries and what wonderful jam and cobblers they will make. Mouth is watering already. Bet the birds can't wait either for the berries to ripen but I'm sure they will save some for you as well. :}
    Have an enjoyable weekend

    1. Oh, we have so many all over, I'm sure the birds are probably full, ha. We have a good arrangement, LOL!

  2. That is quite a lot of dewberries in the former post. I know when we picked blackberries, we had to dress for chiggers. Are chiggers a problem with dewberries? I know picking around the edges won't be a problem, but if you get in the middle of that patch? I cannot wait to see what all the two of you do with all you will pick.

    1. No really chigger problem down here, knock on wood. I'm hoping we get quite a few (dewberries!! Not chiggers, LOL!). Stay tuned!

  3. dewberries. just typing the word makes my mouth water. can't wait til you are out picking them and making all kinds of good stuff with them. dewberries. yum.

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

    1. Hey Kymber!!! Glad to see you, they are indeed delicious. Of course, you have one of my favorite all time berries growing wild all over your property too!!! Love to you!

  4. Dewberries? Do they go by any other name? Mind you, I haven't met a berry I didn't love.

    1. Nope, these are dewberries only....a Southern (US) wild treat. Here is a link to the wiki entry for them. They are closely related to blackberries. They are wonderful, a bit seedier at times that blackberries, but sweet and delicious.

  5. I love your big dewberry patch! A big patch of future yum-ness! I know you and 2nd Man can hardly wait to make all those delicious things.
    This has got me wanting to start my own patch with some wild plants.

    1. Gosh, these just spring up everywhere. Hmm, I wonder if they could be rooted?? And I could send you some cuttings? Maybe I should snip a few and see how they do if I stuck them in some soil.

  6. Difference between dewberries and blackberries.
    Dewberry flowers have one single stem with single flower; whereas blackberries will have a cluster of buds / flowers on single stem.
    Blackberries can grow up to 10 feet tall; as for dewberries, they are more low growing ground cover and spread by runners.


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