
Thursday, April 6, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

OK, so this is totally random but interesting.  What we found unique here was how the owners of this yard took a section of grass, dug it out, and filled it with beach sand.

Does this mean we could have a beach in the middle of the country?  We were thinking that instead of a fire pit like they have here, what if you just made a big rectangle, filled it with sand like this and them put in some beach type lounge chairs in the middle of it all?  Sunbathing "at the beach in the country"?  
Hey stranger things have happened!

Be inspired!


  1. I say go for it; but then again, think of the sand that might be tracked in the house and everywhere OR keep the garden hose handy so everyone can spray off their feet before entering.
    Fire pit; make one that you can make a grilled pizza on. Pizza grilled on open fire pit.......Oh Yum

    1. Great new liter box area for all the critters in the area. Not only that, think of the wind Texas has. You would have beach sand throughout your yard.

    2. Hmm, all good and valid points. This isn't something that will happen soon, but we'll see in time. It still could be fun, maybe if far enough from the house and we could cover it when not in use, ha.

  2. You might need to cover it when not using it as the cats will consider it theirs...if you know what I mean.

    1. I know exactly what you mean, ha. Will have to consider options if we ever do something like this.

  3. LOL. I think Lady Hawthorne is on the money. I was going to say, I like how the relaxation space has been made to include young children (or perhaps big kids) but keeping the sand so pristine would be impossible......and then there is the cat thing!

    1. Yep. I hear ya. it does look so pretty and clean. Staged just so, ha.

  4. That is so neat but yeah, I'd be worried about keeping it so nice. I bet it could be done but you'd have to do some planning. Maybe a cover?

    1. Maybe a cover, but again, this will just be a wild "maybe someday when we've done most everything else" moment, ha.

  5. All I see is a huge litterbox. It is a cute idea, but not so practical. However, a circle with pea-sized gravel would be very nice. When I put sand in holes/divots, depressions, cats used even the smallest piles of sand. So, I had to sprinkle red pepper on the sand to repel cats. It worked, but I had to reapply after rain.

    I am very impressed with the crisp edge of the circle in the photo. That person must have used edging to make the demarcation so crisp.

    1. LOL! that's too funny. And it is crisply edged huh?

  6. I like it. But I think pea sized gravel would be better. Dirt has a way of falling between the spaces in the stone. But still, a little bit of beach in the middle of a land-locked yard does appeal.

    1. There is an appeal of sorts. Hmm, maybe sand near a future pond, ha. Grave, is not bad either. Thank you!!!

  7. 1st Man,

    Looks nice and relaxing. Makes me want to be out at the beach.

    1. We could have a sound machine with ocean waves going too, LOL!!!! Thanks!!!

  8. I love the idea of this but -- I'm afraid it will be a cat magnet!

    1. Yep, I'm sure, wherever they are, they'd find their way.

  9. When I read your title I thought you would show me a pond with sand beach. I saw this on Twisted Sifter just the other day. You may want to put this in your idea book.

    1. WOW! That is incredible!!!!! Love it. We do have a natural pond site, it's got water when it rains but not sure of the depth or even actual size because you can't easily get to it and it is full of snakes around it I'm sure, ha. This is so great, thanks for the heads up!!!


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