
Friday, June 16, 2017


Regular readers know that I have a new favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found several cool items so far.

And here is yet another free find.  Found this basket sitting on top of some boxes inside the dumpster.  Seriously!?!?  It's perfectly fine!

And really cool!
It's hinged on one side...

With these neat little beads tied on. 

On top is this face surrounded by fur.

Alaska basket
It's a nice large size basket.  We're guessing Alaskan based on some brief online checking.  As for it's purpose, while we don't know what the original purpose is, we're thinking of putting the feathers inside that we are finding at the farm.

Somehow, that seems appropriate. 

Anyone know anything about baskets like this?


  1. What an Awesome looking Eskimo basket and lucky you for getting a wonderful treasure.
    Have seen some baskets on the order of yours that sold in the hundred of dollars.
    Was also going to suggest to use in storing your found feathers in but see you already had thought of that. Great minds. :}

    1. Seriously?? Hundreds? Wow. Yep, great minds indeed, the feathers just seemed like the right thing.

  2. That mimics a style of baleen-pine needle basket. Baleen (filtering plate from the Bowhead whale) was popular in the 20th century, handcrafted by the Inuits often adorned with ivory carvings.

    From what I have read, each tribe has a specific style of basket making using materials indigenous to their region--shells, antlers, fur, feathers, various grasses, reeds and fibers. Quite interesting

    What you have appears to be a Balease style basket

    1. You are wonderful, thanks for this info. I can't believe someone tossed it out.

  3. what a find! it looks inuit to me. it is something i would buy if i saw it in a store.

    1. I saw it, thankfully they just had it sitting on the ground on top of some boxes of trash. I guess they didn't want to just throw it away and hoped someone would get some use out of it. Done!! ha.

  4. Ha! sure enough! check this out:

    1. WOW!!!!!!! That's almost exactly like it. Thank you! Wow and a treasure indeed.

  5. great find, but alas, don't know anything of them. I was thinking the same thought you had of the feathers. It have one similar without the fur , face and beads, and use it as my catch all for loose change, car keys, sunglasses...etc, for when coming in.

    1. It would be nice on an entryway table. Yep, we'll save some feathers in there, seems right, somehow. Thank you!

  6. Very cool 1st Man - love it, especially the hinge 😎

    1. Isn't it neat? Thank you. We are going to make sure it has a special use for sure. Someone took the time to make that, we need to honor that work. :-)

  7. Looks to me like it might take a hot tagine, so you can place it on the table without damaging it. With the lid on, the tagine would stay warmer for longer as it would be insulated. That's my guess!

    1. OOH I never thought about that. We even have a tagine. Great idea. Thanks!!

  8. Replies
    1. I'm telling you, it's crazy the stuff people throw away. We can't even imagine what we DON'T catch. Thanks!!

  9. That's a great basket. Maybe it was unwanted because it was a gift from an ex-somebody or other.


    1. Good point. I can't imagine why someone would want to throw it away being in perfect condition but hey, one persons trash definitely our treasure, no matter the reason ha.

  10. Janine,
    I thought the same thing--an ex something. I got rid of boxes of stuff given to me/us by ex mil after my divorce. I liked the stuff, but thought "Why?" And, I gave it away.

    1. Hey, we understand about memories attached to something, no need to keep them around. Glad someone lets other people enjoy.

  11. Really cool basket - and it was the right price! I wonder if the face on top was carved by an indigenous artist out of a walrus tusk.

    1. FREE is always the right price. Ha. We looked at it but couldn't tell if it was a plastic of some sort of carved. It looks too smooth to be carved but hey, who knows. We love it.

  12. Check out for Baleen and grass baskets. Face could be an Alaskan fisherman or whaler. This website shows a few very similar to your basket. Note the prices. Ranee (MN)

    1. Yep, definitely looks like those. Wow. They are pricey too. Looks like we did get a treasure, without going to Alaska, ha. Thank you so much for finding the link. Love it (and looking at some other beautiful things on the site too, amazing artistry).

  13. I find your repurposing idea to be of great value. You and the Universe are tight! Ask and it shall be given.

    1. Aww, thanks for that Alison!!!! I was, even if subconciously, wondering what we'd do with the feathers. Now we have a solution. Now about that lotto.....ha!!

  14. Beautiful find! I love finding treasures also, I love thrift stores, but you are lucky to have a free area in your building. I look forward to seeing your new finds. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Free is always best but oh my yes, I love thrift stores too. Speaking of free, hmm, need to go downstairs and see if anyone put anything out this weekend, ha.

  15. LOVE the basket! People around these parts make them with pine straw & they charge a lot of money for them!


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