
Friday, June 9, 2017


It's an episode of CAT TV!
Starring Hobart (left) and Brisbane (right)!

This is when the dove showed up and was pecking around eating the seed we had put on the balcony.  You can see it scattered around.  Notice the cats positions. 

Here it is after she had eaten up most of it.  The cats had not even moved.  They were enthralled and focused...and apparently immobile! 


  1. Love it. It is familiar here too, though Jewel (who has left us) used to chitter in lust at the birds.
    Years back there was coverage of a mouse plague on our television. That did get the cats moving. They were checking behind the tv, under it...

    1. Only one of ours pays any attention to the TV. Now we have a large flat screen mounted to the wall, and Hobart must think it's real people because he will duck and look up and run really fast as he walks by.

  2. free cat tv; keeps the youngsters entertained for hours!

    1. Doesn't it though? I like it too because our oldest kitty, Brisbane, he is like a kitten when he's watching. We figure it's good for his older mind to be stimulated.

  3. Your cats are indeed focused - at first I thought it was the same picture, except the dove was in a different place.
    Doves are usually in groups - it's weird that you have just the one dove. Maybe he knows he found a good eating spot and decided to not tell his friends.

    1. Yep, that was about 10 minutes between photos, They never moved, other than tales and eyes, ha. Yep the dove comes every day, and it always alone, not sure, maybe a widow/widower. Or greedy, ha.

  4. Haha. They are definitely enthralled. CATTV at it's finest.

    My cat SamSam is content to watch the birds from afar. He will occasionally look at me and meow when one gets too close to the window. He is really a scaredy cat though. Recently he was sitting in the window birdwatching when one rather aggressive Blue Jay decided he didn't like SamSam staring at him,so Mr. BlueJay flew up to the window box and squawked at SamSam, who was so startled he fell backwards off the window ledge. Samsam is not very graceful for a cat either. That was hilarious. I only wish I could have it on video.

    1. Oh my, that's funny!!! I'm not laughing at your kitty for falling but just the lack of grace, because we so understand that, cats seem to be embarrassed when they know they've done something the wrong way, ha.

  5. We had an episode of Cat TV here today, but the cat was the star. Miss Kitty wedged herself between the hedge row and the house outside of my dining room windows, which end at floor level. Shelby, the dog, sat and watched the entire time the cat was sunning herself. I know because Shelby whines and cries the entire time. She loves to play with cats, but does not understand the cats do not want to play with her.

    1. Oh my gosh, that's too funny. Poor Shelby didn't get to play and that's all she wants. But the cats are NOT having it huh? :-)

  6. Here;s a question. Do they each know which pillow is theirs or switch off?

    1. Great question. Nope, they each sleep on whichever one gets there first. Now sometimes if they are TOO CLOSE, they will get cranky and slap each other so we push them apart, ha. But they spend equal time on each one.

  7. Adorable picture.
    Thank U 4 sharing .
    Have a great weekend.
    Oh, got the loft put on. Now comes hard part; getting the rafters and metal roof put on Tomorrow

    1. Send me pics!! Can't wait to see. How exciting!! Hope you got lots done.

  8. I remember well when I had my one and only cat, Starbooty. She loved watching all the birds from my windows. They will feed right on the sills. The Blue Jays would flat at taunt her....You can't get us!!!! Meanwhile her tail would be thrashing wildly.

    I always gave in and would let her have some tuna fish.

    1. Awww, you're a good kitty parent. Starbooty, love that name. We think the dove has figured out all is safe for her(him) and so comes right up to the window as if taunting.

  9. The dove has your cats full attention! No doubt this is important business for them. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi!!! Yep, they are very serious about their bird watching, that's for sure. The funny thing is at the house before we sold, we had windows but they were up higher and no bird watching was to be had. Now they are catching up for lost time. :-)


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