
Sunday, June 11, 2017


Today is scattered showers, glad for the watering but that only gave me one day outside.  I made the most of it though, edged a LOT (did the entire driveway fence line) and of course mowed.

Then I was in the garden working and harvesting veggies.  I was in the cucumber vine that is ginormous and was moving things around looking for hidden cukes...

Hidden Bunny
...then I saw something move! It startled me thinking it was a rat or something else, and then I saw it. See it there hiding under the vines and leaves?

It hopped out under the shade of the vines and there he was.  The most adorable little bunny!!

Baby bunny
It was SO cute!  Yes, we know rabbits and gardens don't mix.  I could have scooped him and relocated him elsewhere or at the least I could have run him off, but you know, I looked at that little fuzzy face, his adorable little white cottontail, and I just left him alone.  It's not like he couldn't just come right back in if he wanted to (between the fence pickets, I need to work on that next season).  So of course I harvested around him.  

More on harvest Monday update! 

Chicken and Alfredo pasta
For dinner it was an Alfredo pasta with chicken.  Pasta and chicken, two of my most favorite things.

Feathers in yard
And in the odd events category, TWO MORE feathers were laying in the yard upon arrival.  These are different than the last one.  I'm going to get a box and keep them, it seems the right thing to do.  

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Mmm, that Chicken Alfredo looks so delicious!
    Love your feathers - good idea to start a collection - you could frame or display them when you get more.
    Such a cute little cottontail bunny - like Peter Rabbit! I’m glad you left him to enjoy the shade of your garden - not like Mr. McGregor chasing out Peter. I always plant extra for the birds and any other creatures that might visit the garden. I love this poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti:
    “Hurt no living thing:
    Ladybird, nor butterfly,
    Nor moth with dusty wing,
    Nor cricket chirping cheerily,
    Nor grasshopper so light of leap,
    Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,
    Nor harmless worms that creep.”

    1. That is a very sweet poem. Love it. Thank you for sharing. Nothing is being eaten in the garden and really, I couldn't keep him out, he could get right back in between the fence pickets. I'll work on that for next season but for now, it is what it is.

  2. Lovely poem from Texas Rose. I admire anyone who can garden with that creed. Such an enlightened way to be. I confess to being a bit ruthless in the garden, that bunny would be gone as one becomes many and one can do so much damage. But sometimes it's like holding back the tide.......

    1. LOL, I understand. Maybe if there was much more damage I might feel differently but so far nothing, at least nothing noticeable (he apparently doesn't like cukes, ha). But yeah, holding back the tide can be a good analogy.

  3. Love how he just chills out around you, while your working hard. I have a lot of feathers I have bought or found. May sound weird, but in the fall I do a feather arrangement and it looks spectacular. I must have hundreds of peacock feathers too. Those look like either hawk, or some kind of scavenger bird.

    1. He (she?) was just hanging out. I pulled cucumbers all around, and he just sat there watching me. I wanted so bad to reach out and touch him but alas I left him alone.

      I LOVE peacock feathers, so pretty. I hope you'll post a pic of your arrangement (or maybe it's been posted in years past and I just need to go back and look!). Doesn't sound weird at all, sounds beautiful.

  4. Replies
    1. LOL! I didn't think of a name, he did have a cottontail for sure!!

  5. Maybe your place is guarded by birds during the week and there was a skirmish. I have lots of trees around my house, so there are always feathers on the ground.

    At one of my potluck picnics, we had a scavenger hunt for natural things I knew were in my yard. "Feather" was on the list. I went out and made sure there was at least one. There were more than one.

    Also on the list: scuppernong, old fashioned grape, clover, hickory nut, pecan, acorn, rose, and other things I cannot remember. That might be a good game for your place. All the people present were adults, mostly professional people that you might not think would join in these frivolities.

    1. I had to Google scuppernong, lol so I learned something new today!

    2. Tonya,
      They are great. When someone brought scuppernong wine to a party, I had to have some...yum.

    3. The thing that's weird is in the several years we've had the place I've never found feathers like we have all of a sudden. And they are laying in the front yard, right by the steps going onto the porch. Very odd but hey, we'll take it. And what a great game to play!!! We will TOTALLY have to remember that out there someday. There are things unique to the farm that we could put on the list.

      And just like Tonya, I had to google it too!! Learning something new!!

  6. He is so cute and I would have a hard time moving him as well. Then when they get older and chew the bark of my tender fruit bushes, killing them, it gets easier to MOVE THEM ALONG! Our dogs keep them at bay mostly. Nw about your Thursday post and the doorways. Love them so much. My son just gave me 6 out of his 110 year old house, Can't wait to use them in my garden

    1. Yeah, at this stage cute wins, but later on, we'll see!!! ha. So lucky to have those doors, I could totally see them around your property. Very cool AND with a family connection! Post pics when you do!!!

  7. We have all kinds of critters running around our garden. I should chase them off, but I don't have the heart.

    1. It's hard isn't it? Until we start losing stuff, ha. Fingers cross he'll move on at some point. Heck, he might be gone next weekend. At least I know where to look for him. ;-)

  8. I am with Fiona G. I try in theory to be kind but I put so much time and effort into our gardens I am rather reluctant to share with the critters

    1. Hey, I might be in the same place soon, we'll see, ha. It's probably only a matter of time.

  9. I'm right with you on the pasta and chicken, one of my favourites :D
    That little bunny is just so adorable and I would have done the same I'm afraid.
    If the black feather has a blue sheen, then it's likely to be a magpie or crow feather and as you've found two, I'd say they were lucky :D

    1. They go together nicely don't they? The bunny was just freakin adorable!!! I didn't have the heart to put s/he elsewhere. No blue sheen that I noticed but I'll have to double check. Thank you!!!

  10. Ha ha on me, I misread that as Sunny Bunny Feathers. I used to keep rabbits so I confess to a soft spot for them, even though I don't like them in the garden. One of our cats is a good rabbit hunter, however, so I just let him take care of it and make it a policy to not watch.

    1. LOL, a feathered bunny would be awesome. Like Pegasus only with rabbits, ha. Yeah, I understand though, and someday we'll have some cats out there (and a dog or two) and nature will just do what it does I suppose. I like your policy, will definitely have to remember that ha.


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