
Thursday, June 29, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm.  
Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Outdoor buffet, image via
Those who read the blog regularly know that we have been working on some outdoor areas (clearing them) to make spots for "outdoor living" and of course part of that is to have an outdoor dining area.  Well we aren't there yet but we're gathering ideas and last rainy weekend when we were daydreaming, we found this image. Sure there are all sorts of pieces of furniture that can be used like this but we LOVE this particular design/style. We even love the simplicity of the color white that makes the food/drink stand out.  

We haven't looked intently at old furniture to repurpose since we're not ready to start 
"furnishing the outdoors", ha, but this gives us an idea of where to go.

Be inspired!


  1. I love how this looks! For us, the outdoor dining is on the veranda upstairs or the new porch! :)

    1. I hear ya. We do have bugs and yucky nights here too but hey, we're gonna go for it, someday anyway, ha.

  2. There are lots of dressers to be had that have damaged or missing drawers that could be repurposed for something like this. I love the look.

  3. Loving the look of this and actually this wouldn't be hard to build.
    Having the glassware hanging above with candles would make for a lovely surrounding.

    1. I love the glassware hanging too. There is a spot we're clearing, slowly, ha, that has a branch above that we could do that from.

  4. I can picture an outdoor buffet with the beautiful food that you prepare.


    1. LOL, you are too sweet, I will pass that along to 2nd Man. :-)

  5. What a lovely idea, it could be easily done with 3 side tables or a bedside table and 2 matching side tables. Easy to move about on your own or reconfigure to suit different occasions and quick and easy to get under shelter or stored away.
    The 3 seperate pieces could be used most of the time on the verandah. ..multi purpose frees up money for something else...Win, Win !
    That was such a lucky find, your outdoor setups will look so elegant and inviting, which is just what you want when entertaining or relaxing when it is just the 2 of you.

    1. Oh wow, you are SO right. In fact this might be that, several pieces attached. And you're right, if we had them that matched (paint same color) it could be put together and then used in pieces too. Thanks!!

  6. I love the idea of repurposing old furniture. I googled “repurposing furniture for outdoor buffet” and saw so many items repurposed for a serving area: chest of drawers, dressers, bookcases, tables, old doors, end tables, old kitchen cabinets, desks, entertainment centers, even baby changing tables.
    Y’all are going to have fun “junk-tiquing” for these items!

    1. Junk-tiquing! Bring it on!! Might need to get a trailer sooner rather than later, ha. Great idea for a google search. thanks!!


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