
Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Happy first of August!

So here are our first Trailcam pics.  
Not what we expected, ha. 

First we captured this.  We're pretty sure it's a dog, but it's not 2nd Family's or any dog we've ever seen out there before.  Not sure why the video didn't go off on this, maybe it was over too quickly, need to read up on that.  

Um, then there was this.  

A cow.

What the heck?

Again, 2nd Family does not own cows, the neighbors behind us have cows but their herd is all black.  The only place it could have come from is either side but I checked the fence line and it seemed intact.  And this was on a Friday, there was no loose cow on Saturday/Sunday at the farm so we're not sure where it went, hopefully back where it came from. 
 2nd Family does leave the gate to the driveway open during the day and it's possible a cow wandered in (have seen a couple loose on the road in weeks past, called the Sheriff both times). But it was gone completely so we just notified the neighbors to check the fence line for loose segments.  They're going to let us know if they found anything.

Not sure if this video will play for everyone but hopefully it will. (update: looks like Blogger is having issues with video uploads, I'll work on that later). This appears to be an armadillo.  I wasn't 100% sure at first, it kind of looked like a little wild hog at one point but when the head turns it looks like an armadillo. That would be what was rooting around in the flowerbeds.   It seems to have stopped that for whatever reason...

All in all, it was fun looking at the pics.  Speaking of capturing "people", as a few of you mentioned, we did, ironically, capture "R" from 2nd Family on the mower as he made the rounds of their back pasture a few times. For privacy, I won't post that picture, but we had to laugh after that was mentioned then sure enough, it happened. 

Was hoping for some deer or something really cool, like a coyote or bobcat, but I suppose a random dog, cow and armadillo wasn't too bad for the first batch.

I repositioned them a bit and we'll see what we capture the next time.  



  1. How exciting. That dog may be one that someone may had dumped off.
    Time for a cattle; well cow round-up :}
    Hard to tell what that critter is in your video but 1st time I watched I thought maybe it was an Opossum.
    Love seeing your cam shots and video's
    Thanks 4 sharing these.

    1. Suggestion:
      To get the best pictures from your trail camera, go for off the beaten path locales which have the most natural beauty, and are likely to be frequented by wild animals.

    2. Thanks, yep, for now we wanted to see what's around the house but I'm going to move them around to more remote parts of the property to see what might come and go. Heck, I want some more already, would like to permanently have one in the garden.

  2. I have sixteen trail cams out on my property and two neighbors, and even with that many, really good/surprising pictures can be few and far between. Patience is key, and reworking positioning periodically. I even put one in my chicken coop to see what they do all night! Fun stuff, looking forward to seeing what more you get on yours!

    1. AWESOME! Now I get to tell 2nd Man, "see! they have 16 cameras, we need more!" ha. Thanks, it's giving me something exciting to look forward to each week. I think even deep down 2nd Man is kind of excited too.

  3. My laugh of the day! Too funny.

  4. Oh how I want some trailcams!!! They are so expensive, but very cool to have! I laughed so loud at the cow hee never know what you'll see on the farm. I wonder about the critters that roam around here in the mountains at night!

    1. Watch for deals. These were two for the price of one on a special sale. Less than $100 for two. That cow really made us go, "um, a cow?????". Ha. We'll see!!! Hope to see some deer or a coyote. Well, hope we don't have a lot of them roaming around but it would be nice to some something neat.

    2. As long as they all have four definitely don't want to see a two-footed critter out there - BIG FOOT...mind you, you'd make a fortune lol!

    3. It's funny you said that, I was watching a couple of night vision videos that recorded and I was thinking if all of a sudden something jumped in front of the camera like that I'd have a heart attack, ha.

  5. I would probably get cats and dogs. However, I would like to see if rats come to the chicken pen and where the raccoons come from. There was no way I could tell that was an armadillo. It didn't look like one, anyway. Now, I want a trail cam even more!

    Plus, since there are reports of a cougar nearby and a bear, I would like to see if one ever comes here.

    1. Ha, I'm surprised we don't have more of 2nd Family's pets roaming around but I guess the mostly stay down at that end of the property. We'll see. A cougar? And a bear? Holy cow!!!

  6. I'll look forward to your next trail cam posts. What was flying up in front of the armadillo?

    1. I'd say that was an UFO flying over head of that critter :}

    2. That was kinda of weird huh? I'm with Colleen, I vote for UFO. The truth is out there, ha.

  7. Was that a chupacabra? Please let us know when you upload a video to blogger. I can't seem to do it either. You'll enjoy all the critters that come around.

    1. A chupacabra!!!! Never thought about that, I should call the news, LOL!!!! Blogger is weird with videos. Still working on it.

  8. You might catch those other critters if you put a camera towards the end of your property. Just a suggestion.

    1. Yep, going to move one farther away. I've heard from 2nd Family that they've seen deer in the past around the house so I'm hoping to capture some (on camera, ha) and then I'll move one (or buy another hint hint 2nd Man) and put it in a remote spot.

  9. I am loving your Farm Candid Trailcam, especially the mystery of the stray dog and cow. I wonder what you might see if you had a trailcam pointed towards the brushy parts of your Farm.

    1. Yep, going to try that too. And yes a stray cow? Who what that? I guess we do.

  10. I agree with all the others above .. this is really fun to watch. Thanks for sharing these pics!!!

    1. Stay tuned, we'll see what we get. Thanks!!


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