
Wednesday, August 2, 2017


This is one of the projects on our long list that we're daydreaming about in this heat (as a Fall/Winter project of course!) and it's quickly moving up the list.

It's at the front of the driveway, the entrance to our part of the property.  It's just a lone post, though there is one on the other side that is more a part of the fence that runs along the left side of the driveway, where we planted the flowering trees a couple of seasons back.    

But over here on this side of the driveway, it has always seemed kind of lonely.  All this space to the right is what I have cleared, with the help of the zen machine of course. It actually used to come all the way up to the post.  As I clear more and more space, it gets lonelier and just looks like it needs something else.  

So what we were thinking of doing is something like this...

...get two more posts, shorter than the big one of course, and then connect them with some rustic wood pieces (that we already have!) to make a mini split rail fence feature (we've had several of those in our "Inspiration Thursday" posts.  

We were imagining it would be a nice place to plant some flowers and/or flowering bushes so that it would be one of the first things you see when you drive onto the property. This is a project that will be made much easier with the gas powered auger we have to drill the hole.  

Now we just need to find a couple of posts that will work. "R" from 2nd Family thinks he has a source for us, so hey, if we can get the posts, I can easily dig the holes, put up the cross railing and it's done.

Then we'll have something a bit more interesting at the front of the driveway.

Planning and dreaming this time of year is a good way to beat the heat!


  1. Bois d'arc or Osage Orange posts. Will never rot. They probably grow them down there. I'd plant tall evergreens as a back drop unless you are so remote, no one can venture up or see the house. Yes, I do worry about that kind of stuff.

    1. OOH thanks for that info. Funny you said that about the seeing the house, I do worry about it a bit. From the road no one could see our house. And to get to it they'd have to drive down 2nd Family's driveway and so they'd be seen. But from the back and sides there is just other property owned by other people that is just big and open. Thought about planting something around the back and sides for future prying eyes, ha.

  2. A cedar post will never rot. White oak is close behind, but I don't think they grow down there. My grape arbor is of cedar posts. It took a tree falling on the upright posts to break one of them. Dreaming is a cool occupation, so I can do that in the summer. You are right, that is one lonely post. If you had something on top of it, it would not look so lonely in the meantime.

    1. Thanks for this. Even though it doesn't grow here I bet someone brings them in from somewhere. Summertime dreams lead to Fall & Spring activities, ha.

  3. I would have your split rail / rustic looking fence to go inline with your driveway. Plant something that is drought tolerant and something that requires very little maintenance and mount a solar light on tip of your tall post and maybe you could even hang a Welcome sign on the post as well.

    1. Thank you for that. Low maintenance is a good idea. And the solar light, well dang I never thought of that but love it!! Thanks!

  4. It should look great when completed. Don't forget to post a pic.

    1. Oh definitely! Good or bad, we'll share the results. Later, when it's cooler weather, we'll work on it, ha.

  5. That will be such a pretty, colorful “Welcome” to your Farm! And a great solution to the lonely post!
    How about a “Welcome to Seda Bolsa Farm” sign?

    1. Thank you! And yes, we will definitely have a sign. Hmm, now I need to google some sign ideas, LOL!!!!


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