
Sunday, August 20, 2017


It's hot. 

Officially 101.  

Feels like 118.

I did the LEAST AMOUNT POSSIBLE YESTERDAY (more on the Monday weekend update).

Today we are staying in town inside with the A/C.  2nd Man spent the day yesterday making some homemade bread.  He made two loaves.  

We ate some last night with dinner and then this morning...

...he sliced it up and made some French Toast for breakfast.  

French Toast
It was good (with some special Pennsylvania maple syrup over the top).  Now we just stay inside and watch movies all day.  Dinner tonight will be a Shepherd's Pie.  I'm OK with that.  

Stay cool and eat well, that's what we always say.


  1. Mmm I love French toast, haven't had it in a while. And Shepherd's Pie too! For us that's always been a "fall favourite" meal! I'd love some of your heat, I always say that lol...stay cool!

    1. Yeah, Shepherd's Pie is kind of a fall meal for us too but hey, we were in the mood and why not, ha. Wish I could SEND some of this heat!! I guess I should say "stay warm", ha

  2. ha! still eating the maple syrup! that looks like wonderful french toast! we are in for fall weather later this coming week and i can't wait!

    1. We have an angel that has kept us supplied, ha. Fall weather? Already? Sigh. I can't WAIT for that first cool day. It makes me feel SO good.

  3. I love French toast. I have been told I make the beat French toast ever. Do NOT believe that! I don't. I think it a ploy to keep me making it! That picture makes me want to make French toast and put maple syrup on it. It is warming up here, too. But, it is not near your level of hot.

    1. Hey, I'd gladly sample yours and compare, ha. I love all French toast. Hope you don't get as hot as us, ugh. Stay cool!!

  4. Love French toast, too. When I was a kid my uncle had a bakery and we would always use his fresh baked bread and smother the toast with butter and sugar and cinnamon. Now I will have to make some.....see what you did.

    1. Isn't it good? Butter and sugar and cinnamon? That sounds wonderful. Might have to try that.

      Enjoy it whatever you end up making, ha.

  5. tewshooz took the words out of my mouth - that's how we always had french toast too! but jambaloney, being from a maple syrup place, always has his with maple syrup. so sometimes i have it with sugar and cinnamon and sometimes i have it with maple syrup. the french toast looks delicious but the bread all by itself looks too good to eat! can you have 2nd Man send us a loaf - bahahahh!

    sending you two hot fools (meaning hot because of the, not really!) a bunch of love! try and stay cool! i want pics of the shepherd's pie!

    your friend,

    1. Hey Kymber (and Jam!) that sounds so good. I've never had it like that and now Tewshooz and you have mentioned it. Will lave to try it. Thanks!! I didn't think to take pics of the shepherds pie, dang it. My camera was still in the car and I was more interested in eating first, ha.

      I'd gladly send you all the good food but there weren't any leftover, bwahahaha! ;-)

      Love to you!

  6. That homemade bread looks sooo delicious! And the French toast! And shepherd's pie for supper! Movies and good eating and AC - best way to deal with this heat.

    1. Thanks, it was all very good. And yep, you understand about the heat here too. You just do as little as you have to and stay inside where it's nice and cool.

  7. French toast looks Wonderful. I like to add roughly 1/2 - 1 t. cinnamon and 1 t. vanilla OR Almond extract to the egg/milk mixture.
    HOT! you can say that again. Our SIL was out this weekend to get electricity to my shed.
    With Hubby's big drum fan and my fan it was still pretty hot in the shed but by golly we got it finished and boy,I do have light. Enough light to light up a neighborhood block. :}
    Sure did drink our share of Gatorade tho, which really helped and a shower sure did feel wonderful afterwards.
    Now, all we have to do is cover the trench back up

  8. Jerry Lewis passed away at age 91. What a great comedian he was.


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