
Friday, August 18, 2017


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found several cool items so far.

This was the latest find.  
OK, so it's a wine bottle, no big deal?

Well here it is next to a REGULAR size wine bottle!  Yep, this is what I believe they call a "Magnum" of wine (or maybe it's even bigger than a magnum?).

I routinely see wine bottles downstairs (if I ever need any for a project there are lots available) but this one was was just SO enormous, I couldn't pass it up. I'm not sure what we'll do with it but I'm sure I'll find something fun someday!  I don't want to think back and go "dang, I should have kept that bottle I saw that time". 

Without having to drink a magnum of wine of course...or maybe that's not a bad thing, ha.


  1. I think I see 2nd Man's finger prints on that bottle! Ha :-)

    1. LOL! There might be times when he wishes he could have that much, LOL! You always make me laugh!

  2. Replies
    1. OK, now I'll have to profess my ignorance to that I'll have to look it up. Good I presume?

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it? That would have to be for a party or something, ha.

  4. Awesome! I love them extra large bottles. They are great for stuffing a short string of Christmas lights into.
    I have clear bottles that I had frosted; using the frosted spray paint and strung Lights into.
    The largest booze bottle I have is a One Gallon Seagram's VO Whiskey bottle which is full to the very top with pennies.

    1. Frosted wine bottles with lights

      Step by Step YouTube video.

    2. Thanks for this info and wow that's so pretty for Christmas. Hmm, now I'm intrigued! Thanks again. We have a shiny copper colored pic that is about half full of change but dang we use the debit card so much I rarely have change, ha.

  5. I was curious.;_ylt=A0LEV0XXLZdZBGkAGFhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZWwzZ2YwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM5MzZfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=different+sizes+wine+bottles&fr=yfp-t-m#id=7&

    Or search different sizes of wine bottles. This is a pinterest image. I was unaware there were so many sizes with names. Maybe this is a Jeroboam. I say that because it is a cool name. Great Score.

    1. WOW! Thanks for this it just might be bigger than a magnum huh? And Jeroboam, what an awesome name. Actually they all have kinda cool names. Thanks again!

  6. I keep pound coins in our over large whiskey bottle. At the last count we had accumulated £400 and the bottle was only 1/4 full. I only emptied it to get rid of the old pound coins as we now have a new design.

    1. Wow, yay for you. Special trip or special purchase when that's full!!! We used to save a lot of change but we just so rarely carry cash we aren't getting much loose change.

  7. Wonderful vase! Take some of the twisty-type branches (or spring-flowers branches too!) Or yes -- fill it with spare change -- and buy something wonderful for the farm -- like a big solar-run fountain for one of the gardens! :)

    Cheers! Jan at Rosemary Cottage

    1. Hi there! I like the vase idea, it would be pretty especially with the color green. Spare change would be great if we ever had much, ha.

  8. That is a huge bottle! I don't have any ideas that others haven't already given but I agree that you need to keep it - inspiration will strike with a great idea.

    1. Isn't it thought? I will keep watching online, I'm sure I"m not the first to want to use something like this, ha.

  9. Hmm... in front of a window so the light shines through it? And my first thought was use it for a vase for huge sunflowers! Even fake ones! Great find.

    1. OOOH! Yellow sunflowers with the green glass would be pretty! Thanks for this idea. Like you said, even some nice quality artificial ones would be nice.

  10. If it had been full, then that would be quite the find. My dad used to buy a magnum of wine for large family gatherings.


    1. Oh can you imagine finding one full? That would be awesome!!! Yeah I figure this was some sort of party or something here in the building.

  11. Did you know that one practical thing you could do with that magnum bottle is fill it with water and then stick the spout end deep into the dirt near a plant that needs more steady water than you can deliver - perhaps out at the farm. This trick works just as well in potted plants - as the soil dries out, the water from the bottle replenishes it. No dried out, dead plants.

    1. You know, I've done that with smaller, or should I say "regular" bottles, but man this would water a lot wouldn't it? Will have to remember that, thank you so much!

  12. ps. Just curious, what does Seda Bolsa Farm mean?

    1. There is a great story behind that I posted about way back but it might be time for an update with all the new visitors. Stay tuned, I'll post that soon. Thanks for the suggestion!


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