
Friday, August 25, 2017


Here he is... 

This was last night.  

Quite has an eerie beauty, in a scary sort of way of course.  

Cat 2 storm as of this posting.  

Now forecast to be a Cat 3, possibly Cat 4 at landfall.  It's supposed to go in around Corpus Christie which is about 180 miles from here but the storm is 200 miles across. For those who asked, we are indeed on what is called "the dirty side".  See that second blob above the eye?  That's all heading straight for us.  

They are talking about FEET of rain now, instead of inches. There are some forecasts of 36 inches of rain....or three feet!  So far, unless there are some wobbles in the last hours (which does happen more often than not), we will not have the Cat 3 winds. 

We are supposed to experience tropical storm force winds for sure but some models we've seen show the hurricane force winds getting much closer to us. The one above for example. We're on the edge of where the red/orange meet and as we read that, there will be 60mph to 80mph winds in the area. 

It's great how far technology has come in both prediction and understanding, but it's still not set in stone.  Already they are saying that once it makes landfall, sometime tomorrow morning, it will hold in place, back out into the Gulf and then slide up the coast our direction and make landfall again (along with continual rain over the next few days).  

Lastly, some of you asked what job I do.  I'm not out IN the storm, thankfully, our boss is wonderful and lets us go home and/or stay home while it's dangerous. But then when it's over, I'm in the insurance business (not claims, thankfully) on the customer service side and we'll be busy, very busy, answering questions, turning in claims, explaining how policies work and what to do next step by step.

Hope we haven't bored you with these posts.  We figure for those in areas that don't deal with hurricanes, it might be interesting.  

Isn't Nature both amazing and scary?!


  1. Stay safe guys! I'll be thinking about you for the next several days.

  2. Will be thinking of and praying for you, 2nd family and the safety of your property. These storms are terrifying and we will all be anxious to hear from you when you come out on the other side. Be safe. God bless. Jean

  3. I’m northeast of its landfall - so I’m on the “dirty side” - yes, I’m in that second blob above the eye. 23 inches of rain over several days is predicted for my area; my house has never flooded, so hopefully with the rain spread out over 3-4 days, it will be fine. I’m in the 2nd tier of counties from the coast so at least I don’t have to be concerned about storm surge. But there is a possibility of tornadoes spinning off from this thing.
    My supplies are stocked up for a couple of weeks.

    I'm glad y'all are above the possible flooding in Houston in your high-rise and that your apartment is well built.
    Hoping your Farm comes through this without damage.
    Stay safe everyone.

    1. Thanks, we're all hanging in there but wow so devastating down not too far from you. Tornadoes are all OVER the place today.

  4. Hi, here in the north part of the county we've covered the hay, moved the 9 donkeys to smaller pasture with shelter, cleaned out some drainage ditches, etc etc. Letting the hens graze a few more hours before they get penned up. Hope you guys stay safe down there, gonna be interesting!

    1. Hi Deb! Hope you ar elk, will be emailing you directly .

  5. When I said "IN" the weather, I knew you would not work claims. But, you will go to work. Do you have a boat?

    1. LOL, well adjusters do have to get out in it fairly often, I didn't know if people wondered if I was an adjuster. No boat but from what I see on the news, I might just need one, ha. Fingers crossed.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, we thought the worst part was over but now there are the rains and the tornadoes. Sigh.

  7. I feel so bad for all who lose power after the storm. The heat is going to be intense. I hope people have back up generators. If you don't have bottled water, fill the bath tubs and sinks. Having been through many storms, they are miserable before, during, and after.

    1. A few years ago, after Hurricane Ike, we had no power at our house (not farm then), for TWO WEEKS. In Summer . In humid Houston. After about a week I thought I was going to die. Or at least go crazy. We finally found a hotel to stay at. It was heaven, ha.

  8. Watching it on CNN - stay safe guys 🙏

  9. Stay safe. A blizzard, which we get in the North doesn't seem so bad. Hope you,2nd man and cats are dry and safe through the storm.

    1. Hey, I'd be freaked out in a blizzard, ha. Thanks for the well wishes.

  10. My goodness, miss a day's post and look what happens! I hope you guys are safe and that you don't experience damage in either residence.

    1. LOL, it's pretty crazy here. So far so good but word is it's going to get worse before it gets better.

  11. Hoping for the best, but right now it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

    1. It's been ok, but I really think we're going to get worse, no wind but other bad stuff. We'll keep everyone posted.

  12. Stay safe and keep us updated. I have relatives North of Houston.

    1. No major wind here but lots of rain and now tornadoes. Hope your family is safe too!!!

  13. I've been through a number of hurricanes and evacuated from many more, but this one is going to be ugly for a lot of Texans. I hope they evacuated.

    1. I bet you have, it's something we just put in the back of our minds until it happens and we need to start worrying about it. It's definitely been ugly. Hearts with those in Rockport and around there. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Stay safe, was watching it on the news this morning not nice ata all

    1. Nope it's been nasty all day. Periods of sun but mostly rain and wind.

  15. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who is in the path of Harvey.
    You guys stay safe; 2nd family as well

  16. Becareful, be safe! Good luck!

    1. Thank you, hanging in there so far. it could have been so much worse if it had moved this way a bit. But we're still on the dirty side and getting worse.

  17. Harvey hits landfall

    1. Thank you!!! (and you were up early, I think I faded out about 2am, ha)

  18. The progress is being covered closely by the news channels in the UK so I am watching and worrying for you. Really hope you don't get the full force of the storm, but I can see it is going to be a very extreme event. Best wishes to you both x

    1. Wow, all the way over there? We're hanging in there, parts of Texas really bad and we're going to have flooding (and today it's been tornadoes). Thank you so much!!!!

  19. Just stay safe and cozy. It's always a good time to get caught up on sex. I have cousins who live in Katie Tx, but I think he said mostly rain and winds, but since he's a engineer in Houston, he's pretty sure their will be a couple days off.

    1. LOL! Yep, rain and wind but also tornadoes, including the Katy area. As I type this reply two more tornado warnings just went off. Sigh. It will be a crazy few days.

  20. Hope you two are safe. Margie in Arkansas.

    1. Thank you so much for that, much appreciated.

  21. Oh my, oh my. Really hoping all is well, although I wouldn't be surprised if power was knocked out.

    1. Power 'flickered' a bit but so far it's been on. I think since we missed the heaviest winds we got lucky . Several years ago, during Ike, we lost power for two weeks, actually 15 days. It was horrible.

  22. major channel-flipping here as i watch the coverage in between chores and errands. will be thinking of you and all your plantings at the farm as this goes on. have acquaintances living west of austin, but their four grown children live in/around houston. two went inland to parents' house; two are toughing it out on the coast. --suz in ohio

    1. Thank you so much. Houston is getting hammered with rain and right now there are really heavy storms moving into the metro area. Thanks for the comment, we're hanging in there!!


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