
Friday, September 15, 2017


Bunnies galore!

As I was mowing recently, they appeared randomly all over the property. Of course the mower scared them off before I could get a picture but as I was putting things up the last time, this little guy or gal stopped to check things out.  

I slowly grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures. Thought I'd share!

"Hey there, I'm ready for my closeup!"

"Hey, wait, what's that over there?"

"Gotta go, bye, see ya later!"

We have also seen some baby bunnies around as well. We tend to think of Spring as the time for baby bunnies but I guess you can't stop a rabbit from, um, doing what rabbits do.  

Hope you enjoyed the bunny visit! 


  1. So cute. I used to see a little bunny every once in awhile but with the cats in the area I haven't seen a bunny now for a few years. Thanks 4 sharing this adorable photo.
    Do be careful while mowing, as the Eastern cottontails, the most common rabbit species in the United States, build shallow nests of grass and fur in grassy areas near bushes or trees and often right out in the open. You may be surprised that a rabbit will build a nest for her babies in the middle of a yard.
    Rabbits can mate any time during the year and the litters are born after a month of pregnancy.
    A female bunny or doe is ready to mate at five months. Rabbit litters are usually 6-9 young, and the mother can get pregnant again moments after giving birth. That's like a new litter of bunnies every 4-5 weeks.
    They breed when there is adequate food supply------Feed and Breed

    1. "Feed and breed". Yep, that sounds about like rabbits, ha. And yes, I have seen some in grassy areas, I always try to be so careful when mowing up next to an area like that. A month pregnancy? Wow.

  2. Don't you hate that feeling of hurry and get the camera slowly? Cute bunnies. I hardly ever see them anymore because I am just not out in the part of the yard where they run around. It makes me happy to see bunnies in the yard.

    1. Yep, I miss some great pictures like that, ha. They do make us smile huh?

  3. Replies
    1. YUMMY??? Lol, I suppose, I don't think I've ever had rabbit. They are cute for sure.

  4. The last photos is great, a perfect shot of a bunny and his little tail! I love it!

  5. I love cottontail rabbits - so cute! You got some good pictures of him/her.

    1. I'm sure we'll have them all over given time.

  6. They are so cute...unless they get into your vegetable garden. Then it's grrrr!

    1. Oh yes, I can imagine they go from cute to NOOOOOO!!! In about 3 seconds, ha.


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