
Sunday, September 17, 2017


Was at the garden center yesterday, saw this and it made me laugh...

I'll never look at eggplant the same way again...LOL!

We're off to a local restaurant this morning for a wonderful all you can eat brunch. Hey, at least 2nd Man gets the day off from cooking, ha.  Update later!

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. I thought it was funny too, it made me smile in the store, ha.

  2. OMG that is too funny!

  3. That is fantastic! I would have bought it just for the giggles!

    1. You know, blood meal is good in the garden maybe I should get some and then save the bag and put it in a frame in the shed. I just might do that. :-)

  4. giggle. That is cool.
    I would buy it and keep the packaging being I do use Blood and/or Bone Meal when I plant whatever it may be. I always sprinkle a bit in the soil and scratch it in, water and then place my plants in the hole.
    I need to see if I can find myself a bag of that here.

    1. It was Home Depot in the section where they have fruit tree and veggie fertilizer liquids...and all of y'all have made me decide I'm going to get a back just because, ha.


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