
Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Since we're almost at the first day of Winter, and everything has gone dormant, we've been looking back through photos from the last year.  

So we thought we'd share these and reminisce about Spring and the work to come, ha. 

This is what I do with the Zen Machine (other than the regular yard mowing).  I create new trails and open areas on the property.  

Mowing a trail
They meander around and curve.  Sometimes I just look at an area and say to myself "this needs a path through it".  Then I walk it first to make sure there are no big stumps or debris and then I mow through it.  Once I've done that, if I just mow it regularly, nothing grows back there except the grass. Even when I have to miss a week or two of mowing (due to rain) it just stays grass, which is kind of nice.

It's almost like nature knows to just keep grass in "this spot".  Many times, it's Winter when I do some clearing because it's SO much easier to clear brush when things are dormant.  I'm anxious to try that this season (missed doing it last Winter because the Zen Machine was in the shop).  

Driveway clearing
Here is a spot that we wish we had a before picture of.  But that's why I put the lines on there, next best thing.  The lines are about the width of the driveway when we first bought the property and all that brush you see on the right side was pretty much right up to the edge of the white line.  Over the last 3 years or so, I've been slowly widening it, moving up to the fence line on the left side and widening it on the right side to where it is now.  I don't think we'll go over any further though.  We like where it's at now. The thought is that this bigger area would be a perfect parking area for a large get together later on.  That would keep the cars out of the front yard, ha.

John Deere X320 - Zen Machine
Can you tell I'm missing my Zen Machine?  


  1. Very nice improvements you are making. Especially like the variety of path / trail areas you have made.
    Great Job

  2. you have such a nice piece of property!

  3. Do 'sculptured mowing' or 'crop art' mean anything to you? Your place looks great.

  4. I love how you are slowly opening up those paths for exploring in more areas. And you never know what jewel of nature you'll discover in these new areas. You could even mow a maze. You are doing such wonderful things on your Farm!


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