
Sunday, December 17, 2017


Not sure if a picture can convey cold, damp weather but I thought this one might. It was just a yucky day yesterday and today. Temps only in the upper 40's but windy and wet so the "feels like" was upper 30's.

This is the temp in the house.  52.  I could turn on the heaters.  We have some of those plug in radiator style heaters, they work well but take a bit to warm things up.  This is one reason we don't stay overnight out there in the Winter months. It's just too cold.  A central heating system is on the list for later.  

If we ever have the danger of a pipe busting freeze, we shut off the water, drain the pipes (including blowing it all out with the air compressor) and leave the valves open.  It's worked every time so far, including down to 21 degrees.  Once we are out there permanently, we'll need heat for sure.  

Garden is growing nicely.  Hope to have some collards soon.  Cabbage is taking its time.  Garlic is of course for next year sometime.  

We had a nice dinner of oven roasted chicken with Alfredo pasta.  Today we are meeting a friend for brunch so we'll be nice and full tonight, ha. 

It's been a good weekend.  Hope you are all having a good one as well!


  1. I am surprised that the farm doesn't have a combustion stove, fire place or wood stove of some description. There is nothing quite like the ambiance of flame. Of course, you pay for it with have to cut/buy wood for it. LOL.

    1. Nope, there is not really a spot for one. It's a small house. I think originally it was elsewhere and moved tot he property somewhere through the years. The way the rooms are situated I don't think even having one in one spot would warm the whole house. We'd love one but to retrofit for it would be cost prohibitive. We'll just have to get a central furnace unit at some point.

  2. A fireplace would be nice, or put in a wood stove. That would be cozy, and if the electricity ever goes out during the winter, you'd have a way to keep warm.


    1. Oh we'd love one. Not sure where we'd even put one, it's hard to explain but the house just isn't really set up to have one. I'm sure we could have something put it but it would be really expensive.

  3. Hi 1st Man :) I LOVE Alfredo pasta with chicken! Yum!!
    I've only had pipes freeze on me once and it was because the temps outside dropped to -42 with wind. I think Celcius and Farenheit are the same at that temperature...wicked cold. But then we heat from September nights all the way through to May. Back to the pipes, I was in the basement which was heated but not well enough, with my hair dryer, pointing at the pipes along the wall, it was a crazy night! Luckily they didn't burst though, my neighbour wasn't so lucky.

    I couldn't handle it being 52F in the house, I'd freeze my buns off lol...I agree with Fiona, I think a wood stove would be a much nicer option than central heating...or a good complimentary heating source. We have a fireplace, but it's not well insulated so we have to keep it shut well most of the winter or our Hydro would be through the roof. When we buy our place, it'll be wood stoves for sure.

    1. We'd love to have one but I think it would be really expensive. A neighbor when we had our house in town had an estimate for a fireplace and it was about $15k. A wood stove might work but there is literally only about one place in the house it could go but that wouldn't heat the bedrooms very well. I mean you'd probably have to get one room too warm for it to spread elsewhere, ha. We'll figure out something.

    2. That's very true. I rented a small cottage one year, one floor very tiny. The wood stove heated the entire place very well, but I had my bedroom windows open in mid-winter! I had a series of fans going, but that's because it wasn't really in a good place.

  4. Yes, it was a cold, damp day and the sun never came out. I did go in my garden for awhile. It sure felt good to get back inside and get warm with some soup and wilted lettuce-and-bacon salad. Your garden is really growing well. Your chicken and Alfredo pasta looks delicious!

    1. OH isn't warm soup so wonderful on a cold day. It's just one of those yucky days. Stay warm and dry! Looks like a nasty week ahead.

  5. If you ever have to replace even one pipe, use PEX. It won't burst when it freezes.

  6. the garden looks great and dinner looks wonderful!

  7. your winter garden is coming along nicely and your dinner; looks Delicious


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