
Thursday, February 22, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Trees with hanging baskets image via
OK, so it isn't the Hanging Gardens of Babylon but it's a neat idea.  We honestly never thought of hanging baskets in trees but it's really pretty and peaceful.  Granted, we know they have to be shade loving of course, and plants that require less water...

Hanging basket of flowers image via
...but they look really seem to add some color to a brown and green tree filled area. It might even be pretty mixed with hanging lanterns of light around the flower baskets. 

Be inspired!


  1. Beautiful; the hanging basket as well as the potted containers on the pot/ sitting bench.
    Flowers in basket of 2nd photo looks like climbing clematis but instead of them climbing, they will grow downward and possibly wrap around the tree.
    We needed the rain, But not so much all at one time. Received over 7 inches since Sat. and still raining and more in days to come.
    Enjoy your evening

  2. And, best of all, you do not have to dig or mow around them. At my house, these would just become squirrel hangouts.

    1. no problem with squirrels here but have had the pleasure of watching the birds building a nest in my hanging baskets and having babies.

  3. i love this look but i hate watering them.

  4. What a great idea.I am sure your take on this would look awesome I don't know if it would be suitable for your area but I have "Tahitian Bridal Veil" hanging on my deck..... check mr Google


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