
Friday, February 23, 2018


Took these photos the other day at the grocery store.  Yep, these were just two ordinary boxes of heirloom tomatoes they had just gotten in and taken the lid off.  I was immediately mesmerized... 

Heirloom tomatoes 1
I took out my phone and snapped a pic of one box of heirlooms...

Heirloom tomatoes 2
...and then the other!  I was so happy with how they came out, I thought I'd share.  2nd Man said I should have them made into prints for the kitchen.  I might have to look into that.

I think the produce guy (and maybe a customer or two, ha) thought I was nuts but I couldn't help myself, they just seemed so pretty sitting there with their vibrant colors and varied textures.  Sometimes we never see the beauty in such a simple object, a tomato, until we see it from a different perspective. 

Friday is here...!


  1. Such a great photo and Beautiful array of color.
    I so agree with 2nd man on having prints made or take to Walgreens and they can have that photo mounted on canvas or whatever you like or get some old barn wood frame and hang on wall. I think; someplace, someone may even be able to put your photo on T Towels.

    1. transforming images onto T-Towels

      Easy Tea Towel Project For Your Kitchen - Image Transfer Technique

  2. Beauty is everywhere as long as you open your eyes to find it! :) I love the photos, I think they'd make lovely art for the kitchen!

  3. Those look fresh! I agree they would make nice prints for the kitchen...maybe a thin metal frame so as not to take from the beauty. Check frame sizes before making a print. No use spending too much money on the frame by having the wrong size print for available frames.

  4. Those are gorgeous pictures! I think 2nd Man has a great idea about making them into prints for your kitchen.
    Will you grow any heirloom tomatoes in your garden this year? I always go around to all the local nurseries and get as many varieties of heirlooms as possible. Some varieties don’t produce quite as prolifically as hybrids but their beauty, taste, and color spectrum make up for it. The heirlooms that do produce oodles of tomatoes are the smaller ones, like the pears and little cherries.
    I LOVE Colleen’s idea about finding a way to get those prints on tea towels! I know you can get photo prints put on T-shirts, so I’m sure you could do the same with cotton towels.

  5. Random photos make some pretty cool wall art.
    We have cotton fields near the lake place and have stopped several times to snap close ups of the cotton bolls in various states of growth. I had them printed on canvas and they hang at the lake. My next project is to get a good shot of the osprey's nesting nearby while they are feeding their hatchlings. (I have to hurry on this one!). After that I want some close ups of the Mayflies. To me their bodies look like either a mermaid or sea serpent. I think they would be a cool photo addition to the screened porch.

  6. "2nd Man said I should have them made into prints for the kitchen." I was thinking the same thing! Great photos!

  7. Cell phone photography has come a long way from the early days. Nice photo's!

  8. Lovely pictures. I adore bruschetta


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