
Wednesday, February 28, 2018


We're on a sheet pan kick!  

I sort of started it and now 2nd Man has jumped on board and created this last weekend.  

He chopped up some small bell peppers and asparagus into bite sized pieces.  Then he put it on the sheet pan with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Next he diced up a one pound package of sausage (the already cooked "heat and eat" kind) and scattered it on top of the vegetables.

Then he beat about six eggs.  We say 'about' because it depends on how much space you have on your sheet pan, more or less veggies or sausage can affect how many eggs you need, 5 or 6 or maybe 6 or 7.  This batch he seasoned with 1 tsp of onion powder, but of course you could put anything you wanted at this stage (cayenne, garlic, etc).

Pour it slowly over the sausage and vegetables until it is evenly distributed. 

Sheet pan eggs, sausage, veggies
Put it in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes until eggs are just starting to set.  Remove and then...

Sheet pan frittata with cheese
...cover with 2 cups shredded cheese, any flavor you like.  Here we used a cheddar blend. 

Making a sheet pan frittata with veggies and sausage
Put it back in the oven for 15 more minutes or until eggs are firm and cheese is melted and browning.

Remove from oven, allow to sit for a few minutes and  then slice it up and...

Sheet pan frittata 
...serve and enjoy!  It's super easy and very good.  A great item for a buffet if you are serving brunch or like us, just to eat and then snack on throughout the weekend!  We're not sure how it would freeze but it might make for a nice quick breakfast if you did. 

We'll have to leave some the next time, ha. 


  1. You are really on a roll with your sheet pan recipes.

  2. oh cool i never thought of making a frittata on a sheet pan. now i will!

  3. That looks delicious. I would think it should freeze well. I make egg muffins which are really a frittata in a muffin pan and they freeze and reheat very easily.

  4. You're really getting them sheet pan meals down to a science. Looks absolutely wonderful.
    I do my scrambled eggs in a sheet pan; cut into squares when done, are perfect for bacon / sausage, egg, cheese breakfast sandwiches; especially when the gandkids come over or when we have over night guests.

  5. Love this idea! I am going to make it and try freezing it! Thank you!

  6. We did something similar with about 5 slices of leftover sicilian pizza (deluxe w/peppers, onions, sausage, mushroom). We did use a deeper glass baking dish & only used a small amount of mozzarella b/c of the amount of cheese already on the pizza, sprinkled some Parmesan/Romano cheese on top near the end. I was shocked how fabulous it turned out! Who doesn't end up with a few slices of leftover pizza? A great dinner, just add a salad and voila!


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