
Tuesday, March 20, 2018


 The mower is back!  Or as I more commonly call it, for those new to the blog, my "Zen Machine".  

It was time for its annual maintenance.  They have free pickup and delivery and then we pay for them to check everything out, oil and lubricate parts, change filters and oil, etc.  

This time they found that the engine belt was cracked and the tensioner posts were worn out.  They also replaced the battery and battery terminals.  

It's worth it to get it good every year.  They even detail it and get it looking brand new.

They delivered it back to the house and I left work early to go out and move it into the shed.  Then I decided why not go ahead and mow, it was cool and the weeds were tall.

I was low on fuel, but had some in a can in the shed.  I started mowing the front yard and around the barn and house.  Above you can see the progress during the front.  While the sea of white flowers (weeds) was pretty, it's time again for nice, green grass. 

It looks so nice and serene when it's done.  Here is looking from the porch toward the driveway. For some reason, it's so calming to see the grass mowed.  I still need to edge but didn't have it in me that day.  I had to get a jump on the rush hour traffic.

Also have a new fun thing connected to mowing that I'll have to post about the next time. 

Mowing season is back!


  1. Looking good; Park picture perfect.
    You should consider getting yourself a grass checker for your mower and compost it or like our neighbor does when he mows, he dumps the grass from his grass catcher and dumps it over into the neighbors yard for his goats and horse to eat.
    It's fun to watch the goats go up and down the fence line just waiting for the guy to dump the clippings over the fence. All the rest of the critters come running to eat that fresh mowed grass.

    1. Need to get yourself an umbrella attached to your mower to keep the Texas sun from beating down on you. A bit of shade will really help while mowing.

    2. I thought about that, but I'd be getting on and off so much, not sure how that would work. I'm sort of a get on and ride till it's done, ha. I do point the grass chute toward the cows and they love it. They are eating the same thing on the other side of the fence so I know that's safe for them. Would like a cover and they make one but my only hesitation is trying to get under and around the trees they have low branches. Of course I could use the cover for the driveway and all around the house and barn/shed and then take it off for the other areas. We'll look into that.

  2. if you could put a plow on the zen machine i could use it today!

    1. I think there is actually a snow plow attachment, ha. We will NEVER need that here ,ha.

  3. We had a neighbor throw grass clippings into my horse pasture and almost killed the animal. Grass starts to ferment quickly and will cause grass bloat and colic.

    1. Plus, some kinds of grass, even without fermenting, is lethal to horses.

  4. That big expanse of green is so beautiful and peaceful. Do you have any wildflowers growing in the wilder parts of your property?

    1. Peaceful is a good way to describe it. There are a few scattered around but I wish there were more.

  5. What a great service. And you must be so happy to have it back.

    1. Yeah, it's not a bad deal. The free pickup and delivery make it worthwhile. Plus they do all the service so it stays under warranty. yes, glad to have it back, though come August I might not agree, ha.

  6. Yes, it is mowing season as I can see by the weeds that pass as grass. Hey, it's green.

    1. yep, we have the same thing here, green is nice though, it's been awhile. :-)


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