
Monday, March 19, 2018


Right on schedule (well delayed by a day but more on that in a bit), we were able to get the garden planted for this Spring.  

A couple of weekends ago I got the beds emptied of weeds and added compost and soil so that they were ready for the next part...

Then we planned out where the irrigation would go...

And lastly we planned out what we wanted to plant and where... 

Last weekend I bought the plants (and a few more yesterday on the way out) and we babied them in town until we could get out there and plant. 

"R" from 2nd Family spend the day Saturday getting out water fixed up.  He replaced a six foot long section of pipe under the house and added a new faucet to the back of the house to make it easier to water the fruit trees in the backyard.  So we figured it was easier to stay in town and make sure we had everything together and stay out of his way.

Sunday I got the plants in the ground, the water set up and...

All the straw mulch put down (this stuff is amazing for weed prevention and keeping the soil moist).  I watered it all by hand just to give the new plants and soil a good soaking (no rain forecast this week). It was a bit windy so the straw was blown around on the ground but I'm guessing by next week it will be gone with the wind. 

Raised bed garden 2018
And here it is, done!  Planted, watered, mulched and, hopefully, growing.  I told 2nd Man we just have to close the gate, drive away and have faith!  

After all, isn't gardening always just an act of faith? 


  1. I do the same thing when I walk away from the pots in my backyard feet from my door. I wonder if your fellow elevator riders think you two wild and crazy guys are gardening in your apartment. Do you get comments when people see you trudging upstairs with plants?

    1. LOL that's so funny you said, there have been a few comments over the last couple years but usually they start out with something like "looks like you've got some work to do" but I'm sure they re wondering where they are going, ha.

  2. Woo Hoo.
    Exciting times ahead watching them grow.

  3. Looking good! Now comes the fun part - watching it grow! It is so exciting to see plants emerging and growing from the seeds and seedlings that were planted several days ago.

    1. Yep, and we get to see major progress when we only see them weekly instead of daily. Can't wait to see how it all comes out.

  4. couple of questions please:
    1) Are those drip or soaker hoses for irrigation?
    2) How hot do your temps get?
    We tried just one line for our plots, but unless it is a straight line and our plants are placed right next to or on top of the line, they don't seem to get enough water.
    This year we are putting the lines under the soil - down at root level. I tried it in our greenhouse last year with some mellons that did not look well and they perked right up.
    We are on the plains of Colorado and the summer sun is intense. I keep looking for new ways to do things and savor any help we can get.
    Your plots look fabulous by the way - - are you using the Square Foot Gardening Method?


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