
Saturday, March 17, 2018



Baby donkey and Mother
2nd Family told us to be on the lookout for this new addition ("J" sent this picture to us to let us know).  The family next door that has the goats and donkeys and cows, well, they have now have one more...a new baby donkey was just born Thursday!  

 Could this possibly BE ANY CUTER?  

I hope to get some good pics (if I can find the Mom and baby) when I go out tomorrow to get the garden planted and set up.

Today was garden center day and finalizing the preparations for the garden while "R" from 2nd Family is fixing the broken water pipe that we lost in the freezing weather.  It's a safe bet THAT weather is over for at least 8 or 9 months.

2nd Man thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and he will take over the comments later and reply to all.

He's been feeling a bit under the weather, it's all the pollen in the air here, OMG it's horrible this season.

So he's self baking, LOL!  A cheesecake is in the oven as this posts. 


  1. How precious. Looks like momma and baby are doing well

    1. Yep, they are happy. I didn't get to see them though Sunday. Boo.

  2. Poor 2nd man . I hope he had a lovely Birthday.
    Please tell him to source some LOCAL honey, ask around at markets etc. The hives have to have been fairly close .Just eat a couple of spoonfuls a day .
    It really works , I haven't had any meds for 5 years and I live in a place called the Garden City! I used to be so bad by the end of September I would have to go 2 hours drive to the beach for a week.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. We will have to check that out. Thank you so much .

  3. Too cute...look at the fuzzy head of fur!

    1. I know, "R" from 2nd Family said he/she was a fluff ball of just fluffy fur all over. I want to see so bad but I couldn't find them.

  4. Poor, poor 2nd man. Pollen can make a person's life miserable.
    Love the donkey. Of course.

    1. I know. But he's a little better now. Thank you!

  5. That is so cute. If mama trusts you, she will bring it for you to see. A carrot or an apple might make mama trust you more. Carry one in your pocket. I thought I wish a happy birthday to second man, but it was not there. Now, I remember. Some days, I have a problem even typing anything on your blog. So, I was going to come back later and did not. But, I went back it put a greeting on his birthday post.

    1. I saw your comment before I went out and made sure I had a cut up apple but I hung out by the fence line for a bit but she never came over. I'll try again. Google is like that sometimes on blogs . I have a friend's blog that works on and off. I need to email them and see. Thank you!

  6. What a little cutie - he is so fuzzy! Hope you get some good pictures tomorrow.
    Poor 2nd Man, it's no fun to not feel well, especially on his birthday. Hoping he feels better. I like his "medication" - cheesecake!

    1. Fluffy fuzzy furry just adorable. I tried to get pics but couldn't find them. It's 15 acres so they could have been on the other side. Sigh.

  7. What a cute little girl? fellow? Darling little thing either way.
    I feel 2nd man's pain. I have rinsed the pollen off my car 3 times today and when looking over the valley below all I see is yellow air. Achoo's here too!

    1. Not sure which gender but trying to get closer next time. Oh the pollen is EVERYwhere here on everything. Hasn't affected me much this year but really hit him.

  8. what could be cuter than a baby donkey?! poor 2nd man. last year was horrible here for allergies. i was miserable.this year we are supposed to have low allergens. i sure hope they are right.

    1. Oh it's friggin adorable (though Winnie would give 'em a run for their money!). It's the worst in years here, so far though not affecting me much, maybe I'm out in it so much I've developed an immunity, ha.

    2. People always told me I should get outside more when pollen was killing me. They said I would build up immunity. No, it won't. Neither will sleeping with a cat make me immune. And, eating the wrong thing might kill me instead of making me immune. (Yes, I know doctors can work miracles exposing people to allergens.)

  9. p.s. on the local honey, from the beekeeper get a jar of pollen. take a spoonful a day. must be kept in the fridge. i put my husband's in the freezer because we got a big jar.

    1. WOW thanks for this, I will see what we can find. Thank you again!


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