
Friday, March 2, 2018


Found this image on one of the trail cams a couple weeks back. 

When we saw the still photo above, we were hoping the video portion of the camera captured something. If you think this is crazy, wait till you click the video:

It's like a scene from "The Birds".  For all you youngsters out there, that's a classic Alfred Hitchcock movie, ha!  Would love to have seen (and heard) this in person.  We bet it was a sight (and sound) to behold.  We're just glad to have been able to witness it, albeit remotely.  


  1. That exact scene plays out in my front yard! My yard is wide, so it is spectacular. At the same time, the empty lot across the street is fully, too. In person, it is impressive. The Birds scared me so that I do not go out when these are about. Plus, I roll up the car windows if I ever see birds on a power line. That's another scene for anyone who has not seen the movie. I get hysterical if people in the car will not shut their windows, too.

  2. OMG that a lot of birds! Be glad you weren’t parked under there. Ha

  3. Looked like leaves blowing in the wind :)

  4. I think I'd stay inside for a few days! :O

  5. What sort of birds were they? Melindi

  6. The movie scared the daylight out of me, so glad I wasn't there at your farm for this scene. Scary!

  7. Wow! Great video! Thank you for posting! Could this maybe be a sign that spring is not too far away? I hope....:)

  8. Impressive and such a wonderful video. We get them here as well but not nearly that many and yet driving down the highway the sky is just black with the birds flying in.
    What some call "black birds" is actually what we call "grackels" here in Texas.
    Seeing flocks of birds like this is actually the beginning of spring migration -- birds flying north for the summer.
    Nothing like having free fertilizer around the trees.

  9. Great video! I too wondered if they were blackbirds, starlings, crows or what? But another poster stated they were grackels. We have them here in SoCal, but they are inclined to stay inland. I live in coastal CA and have not seen them here. 🙄

  10. Loved that movie! No one demonstrates PTSD better than Tippi Hedron. And your video was super eerie, should be in a Birds remake. Call Hollywood now.


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