
Sunday, April 8, 2018


Wow, what a last blast of Winter.

Got to the farm and it was overcast, misty raining, windy and cold...

48 degrees when we got there and 42 when we left.  Fortunately, the house and barn were warmer inside, probably because it has been in the 80's and everything was warmed up.  The cold was so sudden the buildings were able to stay warm. For awhile anyway.  We stayed inside the house (and barn) doing things there and go a lot done.  Always a good feeling.  More on those in an upcoming post.  

Remember the birthday plant last week?  It was COVERED in flowers this week.  Can't wait to find just the right spot for it.
*side note, yes the fragrance is strong...

We had some pineapple this past week so I started two new pineapple cuttings.  Lost the ones we had already growing during the freeze.  Ugh.  Next Winter we'll put them INSIDE when the freeze comes.

Here is Hobart, just about 10 minutes ago when I took this picture.  That's an afghan I found at a thrift store ages ago and he LOVES it.  Wherever we put it, he sleeps on it.  In the chair, on the floor, or in this case, on the end table next to the couch.  

We think he's got the right idea. It's 44 outside right now, a good day to curl up under the blanket and relax where it's warm.  


  1. Yesterday, I was thinking the last two days, Thursday night and Friday, were as raw as any early December day. It was down to 30F one night and near that another, and the rain drizzled as the wind blew. Maybe we are all over this cold, dreary weather.

    What kind of flower is that. It seems it is easy to care for and pretty. Fragrance puts it high in my estimation.

    Hobart is so black that it took me a few minutes to see which way he was lying and what he was doing with heads and limbs. You must feed him well to get that glossy coat.

    1. Isn't the weather crazy. I like cold but don't tease me like this ha. It's called "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" and the official name is Brunfelsia pauciflora 'Floribunda'.

      It's funny what you said about Hobart, yeah I wasn't sure in the picture which way he was facing. Black cats have a way of doing that, ha. He thanks you for you compliment.

  2. it snowed off and on here all day. we will be 75 next saturday and then drop again. i am loving having a cold spring!

    1. Winnie got some more snow! Yay! Cold spring is odd for us and such a tease but we know all too well it'll be hot before we know it.

  3. It looks as though you have left part of the yellow pineapple meat on the top and put it in water. I never heard of that way. Obviously it works, but exactly how did you do this?

    1. Actually, we slice off the top like normal and then start peeling off lower leaves. That gets it down to a stub where you can see little spots that are where it will root from. I posted something last year when we rooted them. Here is the link:

  4. What a sneak attack of winter - it just doesn’t want to give up this year!
    Hobart does have the right idea in finding a cozy, warm place. I'm glad that I didn't take the electric blanket off my bed yet - and my kitty is glad too.
    Your Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow plant is gorgeous! It will be the star of any flowerbed you plant it in. I have a flowerbed that needs a pretty showy shrub and I think the YTT plant will be perfect for it.

    1. That's a great way to describe it, sneak attack, ha. I'm glad you and your kitty are curled up staying warm.

      I can't wait to plant the plant (ha). That's the goal this month before it gets too hot. Or heck, too cold now? ha

  5. I am filing an official complaint with Mother Nature. It is April and I am pretty much demanding that the Mistress of Winter be banished until sometime in mid December 2018

  6. Hobart's adorable! Thrift stores are vital for pet linen! :) Your flowers are so pretty! I hope the pineapple work out for you!

    1. Aww, thanks, we are attached. Great place to find all sorts of linens huh! Stay tuned on the pineapple.


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