
Monday, April 9, 2018


So on a cold and wet day, what better thing to do that cleaning out a cabinet or drawer or two?

Firs thing I did was take everything out and stack it in a chair (and the counter and another horizontal surface).  These are various dish towels, potholders, and other kitchen linens we've acquired.  They were scattered around the house in various places. You know how that goes, a couple in a drawer, another in a cabinet, still more in the bedroom, a couple in the dining room...all in places they shouldn't be if they are going to be useful IN THE KITCHEN.  

You've probably seen this bench/cabinet before.  It's in the kitchen, next to the counter under the window.  I emptied it out (more junk of course) so I could start with a blank slate.

I got them all folded and organized and neatly stacked.  Believe it or not, there are quite a few in there.  Now we know what we have (and room for more, shhh, don't tell 2nd Man). 

The lid closes and it's all out of sight and safe.  This cabinet is definitely mouse proof, no gaps at all and  made of a heavy, hard wood.  The lid closes so tight, a sheet of paper won't pull out, so that's good.

Best of all, it let me clean out another couple of drawers in the hutch we have in the kitchen. So now there is space to reorganize something else into here. When you have a small house and limited space in the kitchen, every empty drawer or cabinet is important. Everything has a place. 

Got some more things done on this wet cold weekend.  Of course I need to mow, so hopefully that will come this coming weekend.


  1. Oh, I would have loved seeing a photo of that hutch, it looks very interesting. You must have a delightful and cheery kitchen.

    1. OH, I'll get you a photo up soon. The kitchen is still not where we want it but it's all slow and steady. Thank you!!!

  2. We were at the lake place and it was cold and wet here also. I cleaned out closets and kitchen cabinets while we were there. How does a 2nd home accumulate so much and get so out of order so quickly?

    1. Isn't it amazing? No one is there during the week and every weekend it seems like there was a party, ha.

  3. The only way to really organize is to empty things and strew it about, making a huge mess. Then, the pretty part begins when everything is nicely organized. That is a nice little chest, so useful yet still can be used for its surface.

    1. Yep, that's the only way to do it isn't it? Just dig it all out, stack it up and start organizing. The end result is so worth it though. :-). Thanks!!

  4. That looks so neat and tidy in the wooden chest. That is such a wonderful piece to have, especially since it is built so solid.

    1. Yes, we're lucky to have it, it fits the spot and serves two purposes, both important. A place to sit and a place for storage.

  5. Great job. All neat and tidy and that adorable wooden chest.
    A place for everything and everything in it's place.
    A person can never have enough dish towels, dish rags, pot holders, oven mitts, etc.

    1. Never too many...well, that's what I've been told, I'm going to test that theory, ha. Thanks!!!

  6. Good *handy storage place! We have a ton of kitchen towels too though some are ready for the rag bag. I have been making a concerted effort to use the towels instead of paper towels and it has been working. Relocate the paper towel holder to a slightly less convenient location too. We keep a small wicker basket in a corner to toss the used to be washed towels.

    I need to start spring cleaning. Oh joy. Not.

    1. Spring cleaning, yeah this was sort of that, but still so much to do, ugh. I like your idea of repurposing the towels and making paper towels more "inconvenient".

      Have fun (not) ha.


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