
Wednesday, April 11, 2018


A few weeks ago, we posted about cabbage, onions and bacon with the cabbage we grew in our Fall/Winter garden.   I missed showing this, also with stuff we grew in the garden, this time collard greens.  This is a Southern staple for sure.  

We love collards!

Washed and cleaned collard greens
This was a batch that I had gathered.  We got about this much every weekend.  And we almost always cooked it like this.  Wash, chop and cut out the woody stem.  This was about 4 cups.  

It cooks down, we promise, ha. 

Fried bacon
While I was washing and chopping, 2nd Man fried some bacon in a skillet.  He took it out and set aside to drain.

Sautéing onions
In the bacon fat, he put some onions, sliced up, and sautéed them until they were golden and starting to turn a bit translucent.
Cooking collard greens
Then we pile in the collards.  Don't worry, they cook down quickly.  
Collards and Onions
Once they start cooking down, stir them around with the onions and continue cooking over medium heat until the cook down even more.
Collard Greens and Onions
They keep cooking down and we splash a bit of apple cider vinegar in there with it to add a depth of flavor.

Collard greens with bacon and onion
Lastly, add the bacon and stir.  
See! It DOES cook down, ha.

Collard Greens
Cook until the collards are tender and the flavors are well combined.  

Collard greens side dish
And serve!  A yummy side dish that goes well with meat.  In this case we had a nice steak on the side.  
We really love the collards, next Fall we'll be expanding them to a larger raised bed.


  1. I love the evenly cooked bacon! When it is white and fatty, I gag. When it is scorched, it hides the bacon flavor.

    Yum! If you run out of places to plant it, put it in the flower beds.

  2. Looks delicious! You cooked everything to perfection. It’s so quick, easy, and flavorful.

  3. Those look wonderful! I love collards but seldom cook them, as my husband won't touch them and they're so much work for just one person. I like to make jars of hot pepper/garlic vinegar in the summer for drizzling on greens in the cooler months. I grew up eating collards with spicy vinegar and a side of fried cornbread. :)

  4. I love collards and cook them often. Like Jennifer above I can pepper vinegar to drizzle on them. I would be content to just have a bowl of the greens and bacon for my meal. They look delicious!

  5. That's such a hearty and healthy looking meal. I've cooked similar with cabbage but this year I'm growing kale which is similar to collards,so I'll give it a go :D


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