
Monday, April 16, 2018


It was an odd weekend. Saturday a front came through and we had rain, wind, lightning, and pea sized hail at the farm.  Needless to say, Saturday was a stay in town day.  Then it got down into the low 40's?!?!?  

Yesterday though was quite possibly the most perfect day of the year so far.  Cool, breezy, low humidity, and just, well, gorgeous!  The wildflowers are starting to come out around the property too.  So pretty to see patches of color here and there.  

I mowed, it's always such a relief to mow.  I had to leave a few spots un-mowed because it was just TOO wet but for the most part, I got it all mowed and it feels good to see it.  Until next week or two when it's a foot tall again, ha. 

We have fruit! I can't remember which this is (and it looks odd, it's either peach or pear, like I said I took a ton of pics and now I don't remember which tree this was on, ha). 

We also have plums...

And peaches...

and pears!

Tomatoes are growing nicely and have blossoms...

The cucumbers both are starting to spread and have blossoms as well...

And look!  

We had an actual harvest There was ONE banana pepper, ha, and then I gathered some herbs to keep them growing and not blooming.  There are three kinds of basil, oregano, chives and Mexican tarragon.  

I also worked in the barn, did SO much in there too.  More on that in upcoming posts. It was a great weekend, after the storms of course.  


  1. You have food! Congrats! I think the only thing I have planted, garlic, is not working out.

    1. Sorry about your garlic. Don't give up, just try a different variety next time.

      Thank you, we'll see how it all comes out!

    2. It was an elephant garlic a man at the Farmer's market gave me last fall. Maybe I should have planted it then. I have a whole bag of garlic meant to grow in the garden. I know better, but I have just been sick so often for so long.

  2. i can't believe how far along your garden is. my tomatoes are mere 1 inch sprouts. we are expecting snow tonight!

    1. Well you DO have snow and we've been in the 80's ha. At least we were. But it'll be back soon enough.

  3. Top pic, definitely not pear, is a peach variety - in fact looks like nectarine. Kind regards.

    1. Thank you! I just could't remember which tree it was on. If you said peach then I know which it was, and it is a peach. At least it's SUPPOSED to be a peach. I'll have to watch and see what happens, ha. Thanks!

  4. Could you have bought an Almond?

    1. It kind of looks like that huh? I guess I'll just have to let it ripen and see what comes out, ha

  5. How long have you had that tree lashed to the stake? The tree will not be strong if you don't get it off the stake.

    1. That's only been on there for a few months, I guess through the winter. I need to take it off, thank you for reminding me!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, we'll see what happens. Not much I can do with one pepper but we'll at least chop it up in a salad or something.

  7. Thank you for sharing. We here just had a 84 degree day on Saturday. Then back to the 40's the next day. This weather doesn't want to change. We hope the weather stays warm for you to start growing beautiful fruits and vegetables. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  8. WOW; everything looks Great and growing quit well.
    That banana pepper you can freeze till you get more until you have enough to make / can some banana mustard.
    The cold spell that we had here really took a nip of my veggie plants but I do think they will come out of the shock from the cold temperatures. Just slowed them up a bit in the growing area but my strawberry plants are doing good as well as my potato plants; growing like gang busters. Can't believe haw fast the potato plants have gotten


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