
Friday, April 13, 2018


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found quite a few cool items so far.
Here are the latest!

What are these?  I saw them laying next to the dumpster downstairs. I had a pretty good idea of what they were when I saw them all stacked up but wasn't a 100% sure how large they might be.  I looked and they seemed to be in good shape, other than a bit dusty.  I counted the poles and it was an even number so that was good.

I loaded them into the the Jeep (above in the back seat) and drove them to the farm.

I unloaded them in the yard to analyze all the pieces and figure it out.  It didn't take long to realize what I had found.  I was excited.  

Here it is after I started putting it together. It was so easy, there was a bottom with feet and then the poles just slid into the holes. Then you put the next part on top of the poles and they slide into holes in the bottom of the one above.  

I just repeated until the top and... 

A huge heavy duty shelving unit...

Resin shelving units
...oh wait!  
It's TWO heavy duty shelving units!


There is a grocery store and a restaurant in the building, these probably were used in their storage rooms.  We found some like them online at a restaurant supply company. These are more substantial than just plastic shelves, these are made of a heavy duty resin.  Each shelf supports 150lbs.  They are 36"wide and 24" deep and 6' tall.  They are crazy strong but oddly lightweight, I carried each one fully assembled, with no problem, to the barn. 

So excited, I put them in the barn and wow, they are perfect!  They'll stand up to the elements, support a lot weight, hold a lot of stuff because they are large and best of all, IT'S FREE STORAGE!


  1. Great shelving for your shed that will hold quite a bit of stuff.( I bet you already have the shelves filled up with little room left over.
    One man's trash is another's treasure. You being at the right place at the right time; a Big plus on your part.
    Cheap is good but Free; now that's Always better.
    Check with that restaurant/ grocery store asking them if they have any other shelf units that they want to get rid of, to let you know before hand.

    1. Ooh great idea! Thanks! Maybe they are remodeling or updating a little at a time. And yes, getting them filled up for sure. Timing is everything of course.

  2. Good score! I have liquor stores are happy to have people remove displays they set out the back door. I would not start asking for things because people get funny about these things. It could go two ways. They might not be amenable because when stores want things removed, they want them removed on their schedule. Or, they might be agreeable to letting things hang out in the back room until you can around to it. I vote for first scenario.

    You will have lots of free stuff by being patient. Do you go to check and see what is available free? Or do you just happen to see these things?

    1. I just go down there once a day when I get the mail. I figure if it was meant to be, it'll happen. I know the people in the store, I don't mind asking I think they'll be cool with it. They already set aside good veggies for us, ha. Stay tuned!

  3. You are the luckiest scavenger I know! 😊 You have a found a lot of good and useful stuff in that trash area! It's also good that you can recycle things that would have probably found their way into a landfill somewhere.

    1. I know, I try to get things that I know I can give a second life to, even if I'm not sure at the time. I just found a great wooden shipping box the other day (more on that in a future post) and I think I'll put some wheels on it and use in the barn. We'll see! Thanks!

  4. OMG!! I can't believe all the good stuff you have found. It's like having your own personal thrift store at your back door....well better, even, as it's all free.

    1. Ha, I never thought about it like that. Hey'll I'll take free any day, ha.

  5. tewshooz is have your own thrift shop and a free one at that! what a find!

    1. Yep, I'll guess I'll have to tell 2nd Man "I'm running down to the thrift store", ha.

  6. Wow, what a great find! And you already found the perfect place for them in your barn.

    1. Yep, I know exactly where to put them and now I need more, ha.

  7. I think the word is out that anything put at that spot will find its way to you and a new home.

    1. Ha, could be. Though I have missed a couple good things because I had to think about it and went back and it was gone. I think I might not be the only one looking for deals, ha

  8. Replies
    1. I know right? They have already found a home in the barn....and I need a few more. ;-)


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