
Sunday, July 22, 2018


Regular blog readers will know that 2nd Man and I love the Discovery Channel's annual tradition of Shark Week.  It's a week long prime time lineup of shows about all types of sharks...with an emphasis on the Great White shark of course. 

Thought it might be fun this year to have every post this week include a farm related shark sighting photo at the end of the post. "Farm Shark" perhaps? We'll just have to see what we can capture on camera!

 Image result for great white shark

Beautiful creatures, but also quite scary.  While we love watching from the safety of our couch, we don't ever need to see one in the wild.  Because, well, we all know how that would end...

Related image

Don't be scared, it's only on TV!

Happy Shark Week!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh John, they're just "walkers in the water", ha!

  2. i am only a couch fan of sharks too.

  3. JAWS was as close as I need to come. My children, especially my son, was so excited about that movie. Last week,I saw a little girl with a shark puppet on and teasing her family with bites. They mostly ignored her, so when she came near me on my electric cart, I startled, jumped away and gave a little shriek. She grinned and sort of lunged at me and growled. It made her day!

    1. LOL. Jaws was great. Scared me as a little kid. And I love that you had fun with the little girl I'm sure you did make her day.

    2. Yes, and I did not know sharks Her father did not know what was happening and looked back sharply. I think he caught on as he was smiling.

    3. Love it!!! You so made her day!

  4. Shark week is great! We used to go to the beach every year during shark week. I am a water baby and would watch the show and be out in water over my head the next morning with kids all around of the other moms would stay on the beach looking for fins. I have seen many small sand sharks in close and only saw a large one in an early morning feeding frenzy. I mean just before sunrise type early. Of course the gulf is not the Great Whites usual playground

    1. What a great memory to share. love it. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen a shark. Would love to someday. FROM A DISTANCE of course, ha

    2. When Son2 was about 5 he and I were in the bay swimming. The water was over my head, but not really deep water plus we had a float with us to hang on to if we needed it. All of a sudden we were surrounded by fins. I threw him up on the float and was in full panic mode, when the critters attached to the fins started jumping. What I first thought was a group of sharks who had found a clearance sale for fat thighs on aisle 3 turned out to be a porpoise pod. I am pretty sure they must have been teenage males who thought it might be fun to scare the @#$% out of the lady invading their playground. After my heart rate returned to normal it was a really cool event.

    3. WOW!!! That's so cool. I bet that was scary. You know what we've heard (on Shark Week actually, ha) is that dolphins will surround people or create a barrier between humans and sharks if there are any in the area. Maybe they were watching out for you both!! Neat to think of it like that!!

      But yeah, any fin in the water my first reaction would be "shark!"

  5. I spy a little bit of gingivitis there.
    Shark flossing - might be a good business proposition?

    1. LOL! That made us laugh!! Yeah, that might be a great money making proposition for someone, but only once, ha.

  6. My BFF Tamara loves Shark Week! Yep, your safe as long as the sharks are on the other side of the screen on your tv! Get a crack going on...the tv screen? Run!!!! HAHA! Enjoy! I like whales myself!


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