
Saturday, July 21, 2018


It's hot.  We are under a heat advisory and they have set up cooling centers around town.  It is that time of year when they tell people to do the absolute minimum and if at all possible, stay inside.  
We're OK with that.  

It was 99 Saturday with a feels like of 104.

Sunday is supposed to hit 102 with a feels like closer to 109 or 110. 

You know last weekend we posted about someone losing control and taking out the mailboxes?  Well I bought a new mailbox and numbers (blanked out of course for posting) and "R" from 2nd Family built new posts for both.  He put them up.  Here is a picture.  They are beautiful!  

This wood is in it's FOURTH (and presumably final) incarnation.  

This was their daughter's playhouse when she was younger.  When she got older, they dismantled it and used it in a small chicken coop.  When they enlarged the coop, they used this wood to make an arbor.  They took the arbor down this year and saved the wood again.  Now it has become mailbox posts.  

Now THAT is re-purposing!

In the comfort of air conditioning, 2nd Man made this  three mushroom potato gnocchi dish.  

Sigh.  So good.   

Us the rest of this weekend...


  1. Stay cool! You are so blessed to have neighbors! 2nd man's dish looks absolutely delicious! Need a recipe for that one! #wishIlivedwithachef

    1. HI!!! Yes, they are great people we can't complain. And I love your hashtag, ha. thank you!

  2. I have done similar reusing of fabric. It works for me. It is hot here, too. I stay close to ac in house, car, and stores. The feels like temp was around 115 F one day last week. In the South, we "walk slow and stay in the shade." That dish looks so delicious. A recipe would be nice.

    1. The feels like is horrible. And it always feels like hotter, ha. I need to take pics as he's making the gnocchi. Then it's just sautéed butter mushrooms. But I'll get the details next time he makes it.

  3. The mailboxes look great and done a wonderful job and also a great way of repurposing the wood. Way to go 2nd family. We have been over 100 deg all week and will be the same going into next week but come next weekend we are to hit a cool front; down in the upper 90's. Not much of a cool front but when it's been over 100 deg. for days now that 90 some deg. sounds pretty good. Our AC has been running non-stop.
    Rain is what we really could use, as we have some cracks in the yard that are almost 3 ft. deep and 3-4 inches wide.
    Been going out in the mornings around 5:30 - 6 to water my pepper plants and my 1 tomato plant which is over 6 feet tall and blooming like crazy and producing very delicious tomatoes. Saving all my hot red peppers; putting in the freezer for me to make some hot pepper sauce for our son-in-laws. They are loaded with green peppers but I leave them on till they turn a nice bright red color.
    My peppers on my tabasco plant aren't red enough it. They take a long time for them tiny peppers to turn red. Right now they are just a light orange in color but won't be long before some turn a nice bright red.

    Have a great week end and Keep Cool

    1. We haven't had rain in a. couple weeks now. I didn't even have to mow this weekend. Not sure what the forecast is like for this week. Wow, you are getting tomatoes in this heat? Holy cow, nice job!! Stay cool too!!

  4. our monsoon season started yesterday and will continue this week. I have a tree trunk down in the back which just missed the kitchen door. my landscaper will be here tomorrow with his chainsaw.

    1. A "brief" monsoon would be welcome here, ha. So scary about the tree. Be safe!!!

  5. will this summer ever end? we were supposed to get soaking rains and we got nothing! what wonderful mailbox posts!

  6. Nice reuse of the reuse of the use of the wood!
    It is blazing hot here. We ere at the lake this weekend and even the water temp is 91. Geeze

    1. It's definitely been used a lot. Kind of neat to know actually. I heard that in Galveston the beach water temp was like 90 also. That's like bathwater, ha.

  7. Today 109 deg. Heat index, 114 deg

    1. wow, that's hot!!! We broke 100 and had a heat index of 108 but you had the ACTUAL 108 plus. Stay cool!! And hydrated!


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