
Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Every time I mow at the farm, I try to add a little bit of extra clearing to the process.  In this hot weather, it's about the easiest way to do something "extra" on the property without killing myself in the heat.

Usually, I walk the area first to pick up the big sticks, making sure there are no rocks or debris to mow over and then I just mow a little bit at a time so it gets cleaned up.  This is one spot, it's next to Barnabas the old mesquite tree...

...and this is the area on the other side of Barnabas.  The white lines are where it went to before I started mowing.  I just keep mowing on a regular basis so that nothing grows back.

Of course, once I get to a large tree I can't mow any further and I have to stop.  This makes it easier later on to be able to get close to the trees so we can trim, cut back low branches, suckers, vines, etc 

It's always something but it's progress, albeit slow, but still progress!


  1. Very nice. You sure are busy making some very nice improvements on the property.
    Lots of hard work right now, but well worth the effort for future use.
    Great job

    1. In 2nd photo; That plant or what ever it is looks like large leaves of a canna

    2. That's what I tell myself in this heat, ha. But yeah, we're thinking better to do the hard manual labor now while we can. Oh and yep, nice catch yes that is a canna that pops up every year. I go around it. I think Ma planted it years ago or maybe it was a "dead one" tossed into the bushes and it came back. We're going to try to keep it if we can.

    3. If you where to clear some of that brush away from the canna, you just may see some 'babies' coming up as the cannas do multiply from their rhizomes bulbs. They do like lots of water. Water your cannas enough to keep the soil slightly damp but not enough to where it's soggy; well drained area.

  2. When we had ten acres in two different places, that is how Daddy mowed. Of course, at some point he quit mowing larger areas, content with what was mowed. We got to roam around and try to avoid snakes, chiggers, and ticks in the not mowed places. He mowed well under and around the dozen or so pecan trees that coincidentally were at both places/houses. He kept the plum trees and blackberry bushes where we could reach them. We loved the wide trails (10' wide).

    1. What a great memory to share. Thank you. Yes, I want to keep trails and areas but for the most part, the bulk of the property will stay natural. There are some places I can't wait to get to, way up at the front end but I need a trail TO the spot I want to clear, ha. I like the idea of a 10' wide standard for trails!

  3. Select a place maybe ten by ten feet and leave it undisturbed. Rabbits need these places. Throw limbs in there. They provide protection for rabbits and other small animals. You might not want to provide homes for rabbits right next to the garden! But, you will enjoy seeing them.

    1. I like this idea!! Thank you for the reminder. I can see exactly what you are suggesting. Will keep this in mind as I clear. Except for close to the garden, ha.

  4. Looking good! A little bit at a time adds up to another area to enjoy.

    1. Yep, a little bit each weekend just add together. That's how I cleared the forested area on the side by the barn and shed.


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