
Friday, August 24, 2018


Here is a new addition to the farm.  Or perhaps it's always been here but just never seen before. "J" from 2nd Family sent this pic and video to us.

It's a tarantula.  Now mind you, they (2nd Family) have lived out there more than 20 years.  They have NEVER seen one before.  Either they are really good at hiding or they've been elsewhere and are now coming our direction.  They are brown but varying shades from light to dark almost black (like this one).  Supposedly harmless, according to a quick Google search, but yeah, not sure I'd want to pick one up. 

We won't hurt them of course, would never do that, but I really don't want to have them crawling out of the underbrush while I'm planting something...cause one of us is going to have a heart attack and I don't think would be the spider.

Happy Friday!?

Keep commenting, I will catch up on comments tonight and this weekend.


  1. They live in burrows under ground so this may be a make out looking for a nice female.
    The reason you probably haven't seen them before cause they normally come out at night in search of food that is close to their nests.
    If threatened the spider could bite so best thing to do; Is leave well enough alone. Their bit is on the order of a bee sting.

    1. Well, mental note, I should NOT go out at night and do any gardening, ha. A bee sting can hurt sure don't want to test out the spider bite, ha.

  2. They love cockroaches so they are good to have though creepy. Wouldn't want one in my house though.

    1. Well now THAT'S a good thing. But yeah, creepy and I'd rather keep my distance, ha.

  3. Replies
    1. Ha, I understand, spiders aren't for everyone. And snakes. And scorpions, ha.

  4. I would watch it (from a distance) and leave it alone.

    1. It's probably fascinating to watch but yeah, a distance would be good.

  5. Only saw a few when we lived in New Mexico. We were on a trip once and stopped at a rest area. While driving in we saw them so walked over to see them. Our daughter was 3.5 yrs old. Once she saw them ..."I'm done looking at them now" and walked away! Creepy! I don't like spiders at all!

    1. Your daughter was very wise for her young age, ha. I bet seeing a bunch all at once would be pretty creepy.

  6. That’s a big spider!
    I found an article with info:
    The title: “Tarantulas on the prowl, but they're just looking for love.” It says that the summer months are their mating season.
    When I lived in the country, there was one morning when I was driving to school and I came across a large bunch of them crossing the road. I guess they were returning home from a big night out!

    1. Wow, thanks for this. Yep, it's Summer and I guess that's what they were doing, ha. A big night out, now that made us laugh out loud.

  7. Oh my gosh 1st Man, I totally got the heebie jeebies when I saw that...shudder!!!!

    1. Sorry! I hope you don't have them up in your neck of the woods!!


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