
Sunday, August 26, 2018


It's hot.  TOO hot.  Ugh.  I was going to work in the garden (clearing it out and prepping it for Fall) but it was just too hot.  The temp when I got there was 97 and when I called it a day it was 103.

I mowed, which you all know I love my time on the Zen Machine, even in the heat.  

There has been no rain for well over a week so it's definitely drying up.

I mowed it short because...

This is the forecast for this week.  Pretty good chance of rain every day.  Of course, it could also rain all around the farm and not there so we never know.

The bumblebees sure were happy, there were all over the Texas Lilac (Vitex).  I didn't have the heart to trim it yet, I'll let them do what they want to prepare for their Winter.  I can trim it later.  

For dinner last night we had steak and roasted broccolini, one of our favorites.  Today 2nd Man is making Arroz con Pollo (Mexican rice with chicken).

Speaking of rain, I just heard thunder! Maybe we'll get some rain after all.  

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. Yes, it is miserable hot out there. My garden also needs a clean-up but it’s just too darned hot and humid. I’m really looking forward to the forecast rain.
    That’s a beautiful picture of the bee on the Vitex - I love all your bee pictures. I’m so glad that you’re delaying cutting it back - our bees need all the help they can get. Their population has declined drastically.
    Last night’s supper looks beautiful and I know it tasted even better. Tonight’s sounds delicious also!

    1. Yes, whatever we can do to help the bees, I'm ok with (Even our aggressive bees that we STILL have). It's just too hot to do anything outside right now.

  2. Those are dreadful temperatures which would have me hunkered down inside.
    Still a bit jealous of your rain.

    1. I wish we could share the rain. Yep it's too hot. But September 'usually' brings our first cool weather, but sometimes it's early sometimes it's late.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL they do don't they? Ha. I should stand next to them for scale, LOL! X

  4. The meat looks scrumptious! Did you not find a bee rescue?

    1. Well I called two that are recuse but they have not replied to us yet, which is weird. I could call an exterminator and they would be probably come out tomorrow but even aggressive bees benefit us and we don't want them killed if we can avoid it.

  5. i totally dislike people who get rain when i don't. bugger!!lol

    1. LOL we SO wish we could send some elsewhere. I'll do a rain dance if it helps!!

  6. hot and dry and No chance of rain here for awhile.
    That steak and broccoli sure does look delicious

  7. That is hot!!!!! Beautiful steak, my husband said to tell you that lol, it's so good to see good people care for our bees,


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