
Friday, January 18, 2019


OK, so we're curious.  How many people have "breakfast for dinner"?

Breakfast for dinner
This is our dinner the other night.  2nd Man asked "what do you want for dinner" and I said "how about breakfast"?  So we had eggs, bacon and toast.

I remember when growing up we'd frequently have breakfast in the evening.  Sometimes it was pancakes, other times bacon and eggs, and we even had oatmeal and toast for dinner from time to time.  I remember a few friends thought that was weird but it was normal for us.  Maybe it's a Southern thing?  Who knows.  To us it's just GOOD EATS, then & now.

What about you?
Weird or Yummy?


  1. Absolutely! If it's good for breakfast, it has to be great for dinner too--of course, I also eat leftover dinner for breakfast too!

  2. I grew up on a farm in Illinois and breakfast for dinner was a regular thing. Often mom would fix biscuits and gravy instead of toast. She always liked to use a lot of ground pepper in her gravy and it was thick. . . and good! Just good food and good memories. I'll have to try it again!

  3. Yummy. Two thumbs up for sure. Good Any time of day; morning/ afternoon or evening.
    With hubby and myself both growing up on a farm, we would have a breakfast meal many a times in the evening; pancakes or waffles, eggs, toast or sausage gravy/homemade biscuits sausage and/or bacon, hash browns, etc. Sometimes even homemade cinnamon rolls as 'dessert' :)

  4. Northerner here and I love breakfast for dinner.

  5. I am from a city in Illinois and then SoCal and we had breakfast for supper most often on Sunday. You notice I called it supper as I come from farm people who had breakfast dinner and supper. We had that only on Sunday and had breakfast lunch and dinner the rest of the time.

  6. I do it a lot, especially on road trips when we are eating out all the time. Bacon is good any time of the day.

  7. Oh! Yuck! The number of calories on view makes me shudder! And the fat! At your age you should have decided to give up this type of excess, if you both want to spend a healthy retirement at the farm. Sorry to be a spoilsport! Roderick

  8. Working people need calories, and saturated fat is no longer a no no. AS retired 80 year olds, and on no medication and what you would call 'spry', I would totally ignore your comment.

  9. Totally love breakfast for dinner. We have it up here in Maine often. 👍🏻

  10. IF we had breakfast at night when I was growing up we called it supper. Suppers were casual with casual food. Dinner was a meal that was a tad more deliberate. I didn't make the distinction rules, I just followed them. Our breakfast suppers were my least favorite meals. I loathe eggs so I was always SOL.

  11. Nothing wrong with bacon and eggs as a main meal. Love it with brown sauce on.

  12. I've had breakfast for lunch AND dinner! it doesn't matter when you eat whatever you want!

  13. From W. Canada here. We just had breakfast for supper last night, Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast. Never had biscuits and gravy, I think that is a southern thing.

  14. As long as it's not pancakes, I'm good to go with breakfast at supper.

  15. Oh yes. And after a long and tiring day we have had muesli for dinner. Which is even more 'breafast' than your bacon and eggs.

  16. I love breakfast for dinner. We have pancakes almost once a week for dinner. I have a cookbook, it's a Williams Sonoma one called "Breakfast Comforts"...omg...that's the most-used cookbook I have! :) Pancakes, crepes, breakfast tacos, lots of different scrambles and potato recipes, papas many nice ideas for breakfast for dinner!

  17. If you have bacon and eggs every day, you might have to be careful but I think you meant you just have this from time to time? I say enjoy your meal and don't worry. Life is short. Eat bacon. :)

  18. I will eat breakfast any time of the day!

  19. I see two pieces of buttered toast, two eggs and three pieces of bacon? Do not fret, you'll be fine.


  20. Breakfast foods make a good, quick supper, especially after a long day in the garden. And of course, everything's better with bacon - no matter what time of day!

  21. Exactly what I have planned for us to eat tonight,easy, quick, cheap and really tasty. What's not to love? And I am a Scottish woman living in Wales so I guess it's international. Shame I have signed up to be a vegetarian--might have to think about that!

  22. Sat. Cold here; right now, 37 deg and Very Windy which makes feel much colder. That North cold wind makes it brutal. Much colder, freezing temperatures for tomorrow.
    Mixed up a large pot of chili for tomorrow for our guests that will be coming. Mixed it all in my 12 qt. Nesco cooker. Any left overs will be used for Indian Taco's

  23. Well... so yes I have enjoyed eggs etc for dinner or around here we call it supper but now that I'm older I often have the lighter choices of breakfast like I enjoy a bowl of cereal or toast in the evening.

  24. Never lived outside Michigan, so don't think it's a southern thing, but yes, we do it about once a week. Then again, we also eat dinner leftovers for breakfast pretty often too! LOL


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