
Sunday, January 20, 2019


It's been a COLD weekend.  We had a lot of rain Thursday/Friday, about 2 inches at the farm.  It was 70's Friday and 30's Saturday.  There was also a VERY strong wind and a windchill in the 20's.

The morning was rainy but by the afternoon it had cleared up.

Garlic doing nicely...

Napa cabbage is aaaaalmost getting there.  Hopefully a couple more weeks...

Harvested more collards...

With a low predicted of 31, I put this box around the bananas, pineapples and a couple of other freeze sensitive plants.  2nd Family will remove it for us when the threat is over.

Not worried about the citrus, it's hardy down to mid 20's and that was not in the forecast.

Today we are traffic locked in town.  It's the annual Chevron Houston Marathon and since our apartment is nearby, the streets all over downtown Houston are closed or restricted.  It's easier to just stay inside where it's warm.

I did go out and take some photos.  Wind chills in the 20's, start time temp of 31, high of only the upper 40's...some were dressed in only running shorts (the men ha).  My hands got numb while I was taking pictures, I can't even imagine what the runners went through.  These marathon runners are definitely athletes and committed to the run.

Much of the United States is waaaay colder than this and they have blizzards and ice so we are blessed that's just cold (for us).  Stay warm and safe wherever you are!


  1. we got rain, no snow overnight. but the temps are to drop; high tomorrow of 14F predicted for here.

  2. Yes, when that cold front blew in yesterday, the temperature dropped like a rock. And the wind made it even more miserable. It was still cold today but at least the sun was out. I can’t imagine being in that Marathon wearing very few clothes – I bundled up when I went out this afternoon.
    Your garlic and cabbage are really growing beautifully. Looks so pretty. And your collards keep reliably providing you with some good meals.

  3. What we got yesterday sounds like you got it today. Was bitter cold and very windy yesterday and this morning woke up to 27 deg. but turned out to be a beautiful day; bit chilly but nothing like yesterday. Was nice to see the sun out which helped warm things up a bit.
    Have a great evening & stay warm.
    Your winter garden is coming along nicely.
    Them are die-hard runners with temperatures so cold but running I guess keeps the blood flowing. Now you wondering just how many of them runners will end up with one heck of a cold or end up getting sick.

  4. We did not get the cold until this morning. I had to run to Mom's for a little emergency at 7 am, so I dressed in what I had worn the day before. Clothes that feel good at 67 don't work so well at 30.

  5. I have family in Texas and almost everyone ran in the Houston marathon. Small world. As to weather, my yard (and driveway...ahem) are covered in snow. The temperature stands at -8F but with the windchill feels like -29F. It is expected to grow colder, with more snow, in the next few days. I am always open to good book recommendations.


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