
Monday, January 21, 2019


Well, we all survived the SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON last night.  Now don't give up looking after the first photo...they get much better, ha.

I was using my new camera (Christmas present) to take some pictures.

The first few were blurry...

I changed a few settings and got rid of the blur but then it was just a white disc.  So I came back to the apartment, looked online and found an article on how to take photos of the moon...

I changed some settings (from auto to manual and then the F-stop, shutter speed, etc) and behold...

Much better and you can see the moon pretty clearly!

It was rapidly going away so I kept taking pics.  When it was fully eclipsed, I couldn't get any setting that picked up enough light to get a good photo (I think that's when you need photography with a telescope).

But then the orange glow appeared...

Super Blood Wolf Moon
Here's the one that shows the "blood" part of the process.  Loved seeing this in real time, we can only imagine what it must have been like hundreds or thousands of years ago when our ancestors looked into the night sky and saw this.  It must have seemed like the end of the world was upon them. 

Wished we had been at the farm to see it but work came early this morning.


  1. The blood moon was gorgeous, but it was cold outside. I could not see it from inside the house and had to go into the front yard to see it. Nice! I hope the neighbors we all asleep since I was out there in a flannel gown with blankets wrapped around me.

  2. Wow! Really great photos!!! What did we ever do before we could find things right away on the internet!?! I am so grateful you posted these - I missed it totally until I saw your post! Hugs

  3. it was too cloudy for us to see the eclipse; thanks for sharing your pix.

  4. You got some great shots, especially that last one. I was so glad that it was a clear night so we could see it. I kept going outside to view it but only for a minute or so at a time because it was cold last night.

  5. Wow, beautiful pics!!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing, I too missed it. Great pics, nice job! Ricky

  7. Blood on the Moon, Blood on the Moon ! That's all I could think about when reading your post, from Practical Magic of course. Wonderful, detailed photos. Job well done!


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