
Sunday, January 13, 2019


It's been a gorgeous weekend.  Wet though.  Friday night we got about 2 inches of rain.  Good for the plants but bad for working in the yard.  With the cold temps and standing water from last week, it was wet and muddy.

But the skies were blue and clear.  Took this picture in color and it looks clear and bright and nice.

And then I took the same photo in black and white.  It's funny how this makes it look cold and wintry.

Peach blossoms
I took this closeup of the peach blossoms, so pretty in the middle of all the mostly dormant Winter plants.  Harvested some more collard greens.  Cabbage looks like it's getting closer now.  Fingers crossed.

Pork chop dinner
We had some pan seared pork chops, green beans and dressing for dinner, always filling and yummy, and then...

Chocolate cake
2nd Man decided to make a cake... 

A chocolate cake...

Triple layer chocolate cake
A triple layer chocolate cake...

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. (holds out her plate for a slice of cake)

    we had 1/2" of snow today; it's already melting and will be gone by tomorrow.

    1. Here's your slice! Oh wait, now my monitor is covered in chocolate, ha!

      1/2" is just enough to make a mess I bet, ha.

  2. It is a beautiful day - I spent some time outside just soaking up the sunshine.
    Those two pictures - what a difference color makes! Looks like a difference of 30 degrees without the color.
    That is one brave peach tree! It's going to burst into blooms even if it's the middle of winter!
    Yum - that supper! And extra yum for that delish chocolate cake!

    1. So pretty outside. I hear a freeze is coming next weekend though. Typical Houston/Texas weather, ha.

  3. Oh that cake. That luscious, sinful cake. I want it. Bad.
    Doing the low carb thing, going on 15 months and its paid off in weight loss of over 50 pounds but some days...I just gotta have a little cake.

    1. We should go on a low carb diet. I understand it's life changing. Pasta is my weakness when it comes to carbs. But you're right, we all need a little cake on occasion.

  4. Replies
    1. Cake makes the world go 'round. And pie. Lots of pie. ;-)

  5. If you want to truly experience instant salivation, stay on the keto diet for a bit and then look at the picture of that cake. It tastes delicious in my mind!

  6. Love the photos you took but they look like they where taken from a different angle but both are awesome.
    Oh, my good food for the soul. Everything looks Delicious.

    'Life is a cake and love is the icing on top of it. Without love, it becomes difficult to swallow life.'
    Mehek Bassi


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