
Sunday, January 27, 2019


Hope you are having a good weekend.  It's been an odd one here.  Cold.  Dry.  Rainy.  Warmer.  Cloudy.  About to be cold again.  Plus we had a millions errands to run all over town.

The camera 2nd Man got me for Christmas has a built in feature that instantly turns a photo that you take into a drawing/painting.  There are apps and programs that do that but this does it right in the camera as you take the picture.  So I was experimenting with it today (as always click on any photo to enlarge).  This should be fun this Spring/Summer in the garden!

  One of our errands was Costco.  2nd Man got a membership at his work and it was our first time in a Costco ever.  Wow.  We didn't go overboard but we did stock up on some things.  It made us realize how much we need to have organized storage space both at the apartment for now and at the farm for the future.  It's a great place to stock up on items at a great price but it's easy to get way more than you can use too, ha.  

Will catch up on comments tonight!


  1. WOW! What Beautiful photos and would be so cool to have some of your great photos framed or put on canvas. Can have your very own art gallery in your own apartment as well as your farmhouse home.
    Beautiful day here yesterday and today.
    I done some painting, some staining and took veneer off an old end table both yesterday as well as today. Nice to be outside and not have to wear a jacket but like you mentioned; having another cold front moving in. I think I got a bit spoiled with the sunshine and warmer temperatures.
    Have a great evening (both of you) and a great week. Stay warm.
    Can't wait to see more of your lovely photos

    1. You had a busy weekend (albeit last weekend since I'm just now getting to replying, ha). Hope this weekend has been good too. Yeah we have thought about having some pics made into canvases at some point. Thanks!

  2. That is a really cool feature on your new camera! You could make some beautiful art for your home if you enlarge and frame them.
    Sounds like y’all had a great time at Costco – congratulations on not going hog-wild there!

    1. Yep, we kind of thought that would be nice sometime. Especially with pics that are from our own yard, ha. And yes, I see why ideas easy to go crazy in Costco. Yikes!

  3. Interesting camera feature.

    There are a couple of things that we always buy at Costco: milk (it’s half the regular store price), Cheerios, coffee, eggs, Parmigiana Regianno, and gas for the vehicles. Not all Costco locations have gas pumps but when they do, it’s amazing. If you can get gas, be aware that the pumps are open outside of the regular store hours.

    Try not to spend your whole pay check there ;-)

    1. We have several Costco stores nearby. I think at least one has the gas pumps. Will check that out, thank you!! And thank's for the tips on good deals.

  4. The pictures are so cool ... very impressed!!!


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