
Sunday, July 28, 2019


Have always loved this quote...and of course this image has it with Texas Bluebonnets so that makes it even better, ha.

Today as this posts I'll be at the farm, hopefully not having to mow, just watering.  We have not had any measurable rain in two weeks.  The forecast above for the upcoming week about sums it up:  The air you can wear and a chance of rain.

It's just too hot.  Yesterday 2nd Man and I went on a day trip (part fun and part information gathering mission for our future farm planning) and so today I have to go early, do what I need to do and get back to where it's cool before the peak heat of the day.


  1. Enjoy your day and don't get over heated.
    Thanks for the beautiful quote picture.
    We could use some rain as 1 rain tank I have emptied and the others are getting pretty low, so Yes, do need rain.

  2. our forecasts for this week are in the 90s. We had an amazing streak of humidity in the 30% range. It has been unbelievably comfortable. However, next week, the humidity will be up again in the wearable range.

  3. Next week I plan on swapping out my lungs for a set of gills.

  4. We're back into the heat this weekend, yesterday wasn't too bad but today it's getting to that point of turning me into a lizard and just lying around.

  5. The bad news: We have “The air you can wear”

    The good news: It’s Shark Week!


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