
Friday, July 26, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

Here is an age old debate about a sandwich staple and a debate that will probably be argued about for the rest of time.

Some people like their peanut butter smooth and creamy...and others like it crunchy with little bits of chopped up peanuts.

For a change, our household is in agreement:
We both like creamy peanut butter.  Don't get me wrong, if all that was available was crunchy, I'd gladly make a sandwich with that.  But when I go to the store to buy it for us, it's smooth all the way.

So..which do you prefer?
Smooth and creamy or crunchy?


  1. Smooth and creamy with sliced bananas

  2. smooth. winnie hates peanut butter and willie loves it.

  3. With the teeth,smooth,with jam/jelly or apple slices for dipping

  4. I make my PB&J sammys with the HEB brand smooth creamy peanut butter and red plum jam. The chunky stuff is used for peanut butter cookies or brownies.

  5. We're a divided household; I like crunchy and he likes creamy!

  6. It has to be creamy with banana on white bread with mayo - yum Mary Ellen

  7. Smooth peanut butter, with Miracle Whip and banana.

  8. crunchy only, with fruit jam or fruit preserves, never jelly, on whole wheat.

  9. Smooth for sandwiches, crunchy for peanut butter cookies and peanut butter fudge of course!

  10. Crunchy! Always... good with jam or pickles (either dill or bread&butter), or on a peeled banana ... and ... also good on burgers and hot dogs!!! Give 'em a try and report back!!! C

  11. Smooth and creamy. Over the years I have had some very hard pieced of p-nuts in my sandwich some cost me a crown...

  12. We both prefer creamy for sandwiches, chunky for baking. I probably eat peanut butter on toast, toasted english muffins, or crackers more often; while Dan is pretty much a soft white bread fan. He'll eat jelly, which I DO NOT like. Jam for me, in order of preference: blueberry (wild), strawberry, peach, apricot, some berry blends. NO grape.

    Beachdaddy's recommendation for adding peanut butter to burgers and dogs made me gag. One of those early sense memories. As a 12-14 yr old I babysat every weekday from 3-7pm for a neighbor. Three kids ages 7, 3, 1. Their 3 year old would ONLY eat boiled hotdogs or pan fried "Steakuns" with no buns, with tons of peanut butter on top. It was terribly unappealing the first time I had to make it. After almost two years EVERY day during the school year it about made me ill to smell peanut butter. I don't think I ate it for about 4 years.

    Ahhhh, and I'll throw a quetion back. Who has a brand loyalty? Growing up my mom bought Velvet brand. In college I bought Jiff. Now we get freshmade at a local store that is nothing but salted roasted nuts with some honey. Out of this world good!

  13. Smooth, sometimes with a bit of honey.

  14. That is a tough one! I don't eat PB anymore because Alex has a deathly allergy to it, but when I did I LOVED the crunchy one! Mind you, I loved the smooth PB on really fresh Wonder bread too, that was like eating a dream lol! :)

  15. Smooth but every once in awhile I live on the wild side and go crunchy! :)

  16. Smooth and without any sweetening, although occasionally I have peanut butter with a natural New Zealand honey (Kamahi and Pohutukawa are my favourite honeys, but I can seldom afford them).

    Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand

  17. No crunch required in my peanut butter... which is weird because when I was younger the crunch was important. My brother went the opposite way.... Which sorta defines our relationship. Hmmmmm.


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