
Friday, August 9, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

This could be one of the biggest food debates in recent memory.  Not since the dress color debate or the Laurel/Yanny debate has something lit up the Internet:  Pizza toppings, or more specifically, pineapple as a topping.

Some love the sweet and salty bite of a slice of pizza with ham and pineapple.  It's the taste of Hawaii on a slice of pizza.

Others think it's an abomination, something sweet like that does not belong on a slice of pizza...ever.

After two weeks in a row of being a united household, here we are divided once again.  I love pineapple with ham on a pizza.  After all, I like glazed ham and that's sweet/savory.  2nd Man says, quite bluntly, it's gross. you like pineapple on pizza?
Or is that a big no?


  1. Pineapple belongs in a fruit salad or on an upside down pineapple cake but put on pizza.....No Way. Pineapple needs to be cold when eaten, not warm / hot

  2. I usually order a combo pizza but I do love an Hawaiian one upon occasion -- ham & pineapple on a pizza do, indeed, go together! :)

  3. The only fruit that belongs on pizza is a tomato in the form of a sauce or slice. That's it end of debate.

  4. Pineapple on a pizza is gross, gross, gross! I don't like anything sweet on a savory dish. Sweet is for dessert!

  5. Yuk! Pineapple on a pizza is as bad as chicken on one. No ham, either.

  6. I used to like it, but no longer - maybe gathering age. On a different subject, how are the rebuilding plans going for the farm. Any progress? Let us know, Roderick

  7. My grandkids love pineapple and ham on a pizza me I do not. Speaking of pineapple is making me think of my pineapple upside down cake though.

  8. EEEGAD...HAM YES, Pineapple NO!!! :) Actually fun fact, I was looking up Canadian food for Canada Day and Hawaiian Pizza was actually invented in Canada, oh the shame lol! ;)

  9. Ham no thank you. Pineapple, chicken and bacon yes please!

  10. HELL YEAH! pineapple & ham, pineapple & shrimp, pineapple & chicken! THANK YOU CANADA!

  11. Love ham and pineapple, it's a great combo.

  12. Sorry 1st Man, I'm with 2nd Man on this. No pineapple on pizza - too sweet.

  13. I like pineapple. I don't want it on my pizza unless it is on a pizza with cream cheese or something like that. But, I don't want it on a pizza type pizza.

  14. I am probably the wrong person to ask. I don't even like cheese. Just sauce and garlic, and maybe roasted peppers. period. haha

  15. I'm a "No" - I only like fresh pineapple, eaten as is. My taste for pineapple in things (or on top of) was ruined by school age years of my mother's boiled fruit cake that included the contents of a can of crushed pineapple.
    Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand.

  16. Yes for both of us - in moderation - only every now and then. We never order a whole pizza that way, but if it's on the buffet table at the pizza and salad buffet we hit a few times a year, sure. It's different. They must get the proportions right though, and it had to be the smaller chunks of pineapple so you get both ham and pineapple in each bite.

    Any other time, we get the special at our local pizzeria which is a large w/ 3 items. We vary in what we get, but I tend to get 1/2 portions of bacon and oinion, and they through the other 1/2 of those portions, plus pepperoni, italiam sausage, green and black olives on Dans half. Each of my slices weighs about a third of one of his. LOL

  17. In the late 90s friends of ours asked us to share a Hawaiian pizza with them. When they told us what it consisted of we weren't too keen on tasting it. We were glad we did though. It tastes much better than it sounds. My favorite pizza though is eggplant. My husbands is garlic.

  18. As in all things everyone has their differences and if controversy can be looked at as a healthy debate rather than "them's fightin' words" then all would be a lot more fun. (Apologies for the seriousness). Hawaiian Pizza is my favorite. Pepperoni is also pretty awesome.

  19. It is an abomination!!! No pineapple on a pizza! Would you put banana slices on, peaches, grapes? Stop this madness!!! :D Hahaha!

  20. Pineapple tidbits, sure. Pineapple chunks, NEVER! Chunks are just too much sweetness in one mouthful. Tidbits are a nice little yip of sweet amongst all the salty cheese and pepperoni. Crushed pineapple? Don't be ridiculous. I refuse to entertain the possibility.

    Those who don't like pineapple on pizza were probably served chunks. And I don't blame them one bit for not liking it.


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