
Saturday, August 10, 2019


Left from in town about 8am, got to the farm about 9am.  It was already 89 degrees...

...back in town by noon and it was already 97.

It is hot.  We're under a heat advisory and the city of Houston is telling everyone to stay inside unless absolutely necessary.

So the rest of the weekend will be inside where it's cool.  Stay cool wherever you are.


  1. 58 and raining here....send us some of your heat, please. But not the humidity.

    1. We could use some of your kind of weather here in Texas.
      In Texas; heat and humidity go hand in hand. Most of the time you can't have one without the other.

    2. LOL, Colleen said it best. Our heat comes with humidity as a package deal, ha. 58 though, wow, that's weather we won't see until November maybe? Well stay warm!!

  2. Well it's about 65 here now with no humidity, I'm wearing a sweater in the house!

    1. Sigh, 65? Definitely not going to be that here for months. I will offer you a different wish, stay warm!!! Ha.

  3. It is hot here too but not that feels like hot. I think ours has just been feels like slightly over 100 during the hottest part of the day, but we do have the beating sun and high humidity going on.

    1. I hate this time of year down here in these parts. It's just so oppressive and you can't do much of anything outside. But hey, the calendar is ticking by we'll get there soon enough.

  4. With this heat, I hope you just went to check on things and do some watering. It's waaay too hot to do anything else. Time for popsicles and AC!

    1. That was it, I did edge around the barn and shed but that was it, no mowing and just watering. Mmmm, popsicles sound good! And DEFINITELY ac! Stay cool too!

  5. My stock tanks are getting rather low, so we could really use was rain along with cooler temperatures.
    Just think, September 23rd is the 1st day of Fall. So looking forward to it.

    1. It was so dry at the farm. The yard had not changed a bit since mowing last week, well, it did change a bit more by being browner and a few more cracks. We do need rain. Wow I didn't realize Fall was coming so soon, that's a little over a month away. Come on Fall!!

  6. It is hot here, just like I like it. I could do without the humidity any day. I am still hoping for two or three weeks of no rain. I suppose I am the only person not wishing for fall.

    1. No Fall? I understand, some people like it hot. maybe if we didn't have the humidity it might not be so bad. We'd take some your rain at this point, ha.


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