
Sunday, August 4, 2019


It's been an odd weekend weather wise.  Overcast and sprinkling in some areas, sunny and dry in others.  Still hot and not enough rain but it was a good day to mow.  

It's the first time in two weeks.  I could have actually skipped it this week but I decided to take advantage of the overcast day and went ahead and mowed.

This is the app that tracks my mowing.  It was one of the fastest mowing times I've ever had (well, since I've been using the app).  Normally it's about 3.5 acres total so you can tell that there were areas I was able to skip.  The grass just isn't growing.

I edged last weekend so needless to say that didn't need to be done again.

Here is a different angle.  This is the driveway looking toward 2nd Family's direction.  We are all the way at the back of our property.  The road is way at the end of that long driveway.  One of our future projects is to make this a more proper driveway with it graded and covered in crushed gravel.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. I can see rain just to the East of me - hoping for some rain. It looks as dry at your Farm as it is here. Glad that you had some cloud cover for mowing yesterday with this heat.
    I love that quote!

    1. The cloud cover was nice, it kept it from being as hot as it could have been. But yep, no rain here either.

  2. Great quote! We had a dry cool stretch and nothing needed mowing. That didn't last and our lawn could use cutting every 5 days now. Not going to happen but it could use it!

    1. I love this quote too. We go through these stretches where we don't need to mow then it will come a monsoon rainy period and it will need mowing every few days, ha.

  3. We were hoping for rain last night but nothing doing. I woke up this morning and I could smell the rain and hear it hitting the roof. It has been raining all day off and on and it is so welcomed. In the next few days we will be hitting triple digits, not happy about that but then that is how it is in August in Texas.

    1. So glad you had rain. Our triple digits is coming soon, they said maybe this weekend. Hang in there!

  4. We have had rain almost every day for 15 to 30 minutes. It is not much, just enough to keep the grass growing like mad. During August mowing should be down to once every ten days or two weeks. Does that app talk to the mower? Or, can it be used with any mower?

    1. No the app doesn't talk to the mower. It uses your phone though so you have to have your phone will you while you mow. It tracks your location and even overlays a map of your mowing path over a satellite image of where you live. It's free and while it's branded John Deere stuff, it really just tracks you on any mower. If I turned it on when Iw as driving in my car, it would think I mowed 45 miles at 60mph, ha. It's called "MowerPlus".

  5. We had some scattered showers around but we also did receive a nice, short shower but not really enough to fill our stock tanks. Just not enough rain running off our roofs and didn't even faze the cracks we have in our yard.
    Hot & very muggy yesterday. Humidity was terrible. Just darn right miserable to work outside.

    1. Ugh humidity has been horrible here too. Outside work this time of year is darn near impossible.


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