
Friday, August 2, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

We're not sure if this is more of an etiquette question but I guess it sort of qualifies as both.  How do you eat spaghetti (or any long pasta for that matter)?

Some people use their fork to twirl it around, either with or without the assistance of a spoon.  

Other people cut their pasta with the fork or even a knife to make smaller and easier to eat pieces.

In our house we are on the same page...we twirl.  Some people even break up the pasta when they cook it (2nd Man feels this is a sacrilege to the pasta cooking gods, LOL).  

So...which technique do you use?
Twirling?  Or cutting?


  1. I am not a twirler because I have never been able to do it without getting spaghetti sauce all over whatever I am wearing. (And why does it seem like I always have on a white shirt when we have spaghetti?)

  2. the entire country of italy is swooning right now imagining anyone cutting pasta....hahaha!

    1. twirl against the plate. I have never seen an Italian person cut spaghetti even for little kids, they just pick up less or cook different pasta. If you cant twirl cook penne?

  3. Mostly I cut it up to eat it. This week I was having pho for only the second time and there was no knife to cut the noodles. I had to twirl and then bite off what I could fit in my mouth. Very messy!

  4. I twirl using fork along with a spoon of which I have always done; using the spoon as I twirl with a fork and any long noodles that are hanging down, well, lets just say I suck them up. :)
    3 ways to eat spaghetti:

  5. twirl only; if ANY south philly italian saw you cut your spaghetti, he would have you rubbed out!

  6. I'm a twirler -- grew up around way too many Italians to cut the pasta.

  7. Twirl of course, mamma mia whata you talking about, cutting it witha you knife-a!

  8. Twirl, gathering up sauce with it!

    Michelle in Wellington, NZ

  9. I am a twirler and I use a spoon to twirl when necessary! Surprisingly, I never see the extra long spaghetti any more in the grocery stores. It was the best for twirling! Spaghetti just doesn't taste as good cut with a fork or a knife. Now, I am hungry for spaghetti!

  10. I do break the noodles once before cooking at request of my husband, but we are both twirlers. The burning debate in our house is "thin spaghetti or fat spaghetti?" I prefer #9. Hubby says he prefers #8. But honestly - he can't tell the difference. This only comes up at the grocery store when I am standing in front of a rack of choices looking for Thin Spaghetti.

  11. At home I always cut the whole plate of spaghetti with a knife and fork just like my mother did for me when I was a small child. I unashamedly do this in public but only one bite at a time. It is far too messy to twirl it, which I can do. It is funny that Anne and I both live in the South and about 50 miles from each other and we bot cut. I do break the spaghetti in half as I cook it.

  12. I twirl it until I get aggravated with the little stray long bits hitting my face. Then I cut the rest of it.

  13. I twirl without a spoon. Just take a few strands in the fork and start twirling. It's that easy and then if there is a long strand then just bite it off. That easy.

  14. I used to cut then I discovered the twirl and I look down on those who cut now lol! ;)

  15. I cut. I never learned to twirl. I don't think I'll start twirling now.


  16. CUT?!??? Blasphemy! My BFF for 57 years was also a neighbor 2 houses down growing up. An Italian family with 8 kids, her two eldest siblings were born in Italy, the the rest here. I spent a lot of time with her family, had many meals of her mother's amazing food. You NEVER cut the pasta.

    And here at our house, DeChecco Angel Hair no.9 is our favorite, though for some recipes fettuccine or linguine or . We used to buy Barilla, but we dislike their politics, decided to protest by banning their products from our house, discovered DeCecco and never looked back. The very best boxed pasta!


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