
Saturday, November 2, 2019


If you are in an area that observes it, don't forget, we get an extra hour of sleep in the morning.  Set your clocks back before you go to bed.  Or just follow the handy guide above, LOL!

I'll have more of an update later this weekend, today was productive but also had a few scary encounters.

Stay tuned...


  1. I wish I could sleep an hour later but my internal clock doesn't follow daylight savings time!

  2. I already have our clocks and my watch reset.
    I'm like rain, my internal clock just doesn't follow daylight savings time. My body gets used to a routine and it pretty much sticks with it.
    As far as I'm concerned, they can do away altogether with daylight savings time.

  3. I never reset car clock or stove clock. Cell and laptop work their magic. I love daylight savings time. I want it forever.

  4. The guide is funny and so true! :-)

  5. I'm not a fan of daylight savings. I grew up on a farm, and milk cows don't allow you to randomly adjust milking times by an hour, so we never observed it. But I am making good use of my extra hour this weekend

  6. Most everything is reset by "magick" so there is no need to worry. I always set the stove/oven and the microwave in the kitchen that Saturday night so David thinks the clocks set themselves. I swear if I die before he does the man will be totally lost like a small child.

  7. I was up this morning at 4 AM - Or was that 5? I've no idea, none of the clocks agreed! But I think we all do now. It's coming up on 9 PM, and I feel like I'm staying up late! :-)

  8. It's easier to adjust to the time change in the fall than in the spring. But I still dislike feeling that "jet-lag" feeling for several days. Got a big laugh from your "guide"!

  9. Lol! Your blog is so entertaining. Just found it today doing a search for red ginger border plants. You had posted a pic of a border garden sometime back, and google found it so here I am reading. I am writing all the way from Kauai island (Hawaii) where I’ve been blessed to be able to start my new home meditative/healing garden sanctuary. Having a privacy fence go up first, and then border plants around it, and eventually, a (most likely) raised bed veggie garden I’ll have to somehow have a peace offering with the wild chickens not to destroy it. :D. Here in Hawaii we no change clock brah, we follow da island rhythms. I’ll keep following your blog to see what you’re up to, and maybe start one of my own of my healing home’s progress and throw in some Kauai inspired India spiced recipes. Aloha 2 men, your farm and your kitties. Meow from 1 woman,1 cat, a bunch of wild roosters n chicks, geckos, crickets... (so far...)


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