
Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Every few days, we are going to post some food/meals we are eating.  Usually there will be no recipe, what we want to post is just a reminder that simple is good, simple is comfort and during these times, we can all use a little (or a lot) of that.

Now we don't get anything for this post (though if THEY ARE listening, we love your products, ha!) but it's one of our favorites and when the pandemic was coming and I needed to stock us up on some jarred sauces, these guys were on the top of our list.

Stefano sauces come from Canada but we are lucky enough that they are in HEB grocery stores here in Texas.  This is one of our favorites.  It's a Rosé sauce which is an Italian sauce with cream.  So yummy.

Of course you can use any sauce you like.

Their sauces are made without preservatives and no articficial flavors or colors, they don't even use tomato paste, it's just pure ingredients and as close to "2nd Man homemade" as we can get, ha!

Anyway, for quarantine/pandemic eating it doesn't get easier than this.  Heat up your favorite sauce and pour over pasta.

Rosee pasta
Serve with cheese and no meat required.  Sometimes simple is satisfying.  That's why we stocked up on pasta and about ten jarred sauces when this all started.  It gives 2nd Man a break, ha. 

Stay safe...and eat well!


  1. I buy jarred pasta when it is bogo at Aldi or sufficiently on sale elsewhere. I did stock up on more jarred sauce and more pasta when this all started. I add some garlic and olive oil for a "homemade" taste. I love your ideas.

  2. It's always good to have a tasty meal that's easy to prepare! Mmm!
    I had to put a bit more effort into mine. Supper for me was just-picked green beans and new potatoes from my garden. Along with a side dish of 3 kinds of squash.

  3. 2nd Man; The Chef sure does make his meals very appealing to the eye.
    A small lettuce salad and some garlic bread makes for a nice meal along with chocolate mousse for dessert.

  4. Actually I was in the audience during a Stefano Faita TV cooking show. Not a great experience. I have never heard of, or tried, his products. They are not all that readily available in Canada. More so in Quebec, his home province.

  5. great sauce, anyone know why they're no longer available or stocked in HEB?


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