
Friday, May 8, 2020


As with many major US cities, the Navy's Blue Angels team did a flyover of Houston.  Their flight path meandered over different parts of Houston but thankfully we were right here in downtown for one part of it.  I was able to get these pictures...

(as always click pics to enlarge)

So pretty to see and crazy to think that can fly as close as EIGHTEEN INCHES to each other.  Just incredible skill by the pilots.

The flew toward downtown and we got to see them and then they turned to make a loop and fly back toward the medical center for a thank you to the front line doctors and nurses.

As they turned back, I got this shot of the underside.  

We were supposed to have another flyover today of vintage WWII planes (30 in all!) but due to possible bad weather later, it has been moved to Sunday.  Which is probably better so more people can see that.   This is just to give people in quarantine something exciting to see, in honor of the 75 anniversary of the VE Day.  I'll be sure to take lots of pictures because those prop planes fly low and slow.

Sorry about the post yesterday I had it scheduled and sometimes don't look until later in the day and for some reason (re: creator error, ha) I had the wrong post (without text) set to appear.  Oops.

At least it's Friday.  We think?


  1. Fantastic! You got some great pictures. Their precision flying is amazing.
    I wish they would have flown just a bit more to the SW so I could have seen them.

  2. Blue Angels were to flyover here today at 3:15. No sign of them. It was an overcast day, maybe that's why.

  3. You got some great photos.
    They also flew over the Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth area but we weren't able to see them from our place cause we are further out in the country.:{
    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us.
    Enjoy your weekend. Stay safe & stay healthy.

  4. I wish they would fly over Birmingham.

  5. Great photos. I believe we had a flyover yesterday of the day before. I missed it, but there will be other sightings because we are the home of the Blue Angels. Is it Thursday or Friday or Tuesday?


  6. I've seen them perform twice. They really are amazing.

  7. Great pictures! I just missed seeing them here, but I heard them.... does that count?

    Today is Mumblesday!

    Tomorrow is Tacoday, then Humpday, Blursday, Frabjous day. The weekends are just weird because I'm at home and it's sunny outside, but that's like week days now so I'm confused!?


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