
Monday, August 24, 2020


I went to the farm this weekend, mainly just to mow and to batten down the hatches as they say so that we could get things ready in case we had the one/two punch of Marco and Laura.

As this posts looks like at least Marco will spare us a direct hit though rain is expected.  Laura is still undecided and we are in the cone of uncertainty. 

I mowed, it all looks good.  Parts are a little dry, I really could have skipped mowing but in case we got a lot of rain I didn't want it to be out of control in case it rains this coming weekend too.  I'm so glad I edged last weekend.

Here are the mowing stats.  What I would call a "regular mowing"...usual time to mow what I mow is about an hour and 20 minutes on a good, fast day...if I mow over some new paths or take time to go back over something to blow grass around,  about an hour and a half.  If it's thick and overgrown I have to go slower and it's more than 2 hours.  In this heat as little as possible is better.  Speaking of...

...this is what happens when I do as little as possible in the Summer heat/humidity.  These are the two bushes on each side of the stairs to the porch.  Um, yeah, I think I need to cut them back.  It's just that a) they are so pretty and b) yeah it's really hot and that's a lot of work.  

They'll be there in the Fall and I can cut them back then.  These things are practically indestructible.

So now we watch the weather and of two things will happen.  It will hit, we'll have bad weather and people will complain they didn't have enough warning to prepare.  Or it will miss us, as they often do, and people will complain that they scared everyone with a storm that didn't come here.

On that thought, here is something funny for 2020:


  1. I hope you and yours are safe throughout the storm(s). Take care.

  2. start using it now! 2020 the hurricanes! 2020 donald dump! 2020 the year 2020!

  3. I am absolutely fascinated with the mower that gives you a readout. This would end hyperbole of how long someone spent mowing. 2020 will live long in our memories.

  4. An indestructible shrub? Tell me more! What IS it? Me likee!

  5. Your Texas Lilac Vitex shrubs are absolutely beautiful! They got a little over enthusiastic but they can be trimmed later.
    It’s good that you mowed the yard with possible rain coming. It always looks so neat and tidy after it’s been mowed.
    These storms have been wobbling all around. The cones keep changing. You’re right – it’s better to be informed and prepared in case they end up coming our way.
    I am sooo looking forward to 2021 - the dumpster fire of 2020 has worn out its welcome already.

  6. Yeah, let the bees enjoy the bushes near the stairs. I wouldn't touch them until the really cold weather sets in because one, there may be a wasp nest inside there and two, it is pretty.

  7. I can add a new one to my litany 🤬😁

  8. You can prune your bushes anytime during the winter months while the plants are dormant.
    You can also prune it in early Spring; But wait till you receive your last frost; providing you receive frost in your area. Now, when and if you prune in Early Spring, try starting new plants from your cuttings.


    Just think of how many new plantings that you could start and eventually plant around your property; along your driveway, by your shed area, etc.

    I have trimmed mine in years past so that they form more into a tree instead of a shrub / bush.

    1. Storms are moving in, so hang onto your hat, keep your feet dry, stay safe & take care.


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