
Wednesday, August 26, 2020


The hazards of living along the Gulf Coast.  We occasionally get a big one heading this way.  Now we have Hurricane Laura coming this way.  We have swung back and forth between being in the cone  of landfall or just outside of it.

Yesterday morning we were just outside.
Last night we were back inside.
This morning we are back outside.

For those unfamiliar with the intricacies of storms like these, there are quadrants around the eye.  The NE quadrant is the worst. In fact, we often simplify it down to the "dirty side" of the storm.  That's everything on the right side of the eye.  The left side is more of the "clean side" meaning less impact of wind and rain.

With this one, the further East the models put landfall, the more on the clean side we are.  But because a storm like this is so large, they are notorious for wobbling in the last few hours.  For us a wobble this direction means a more direct hit from a large and very dangerous hurricane. 

So now we wait.  

Most of the city is shutting down early today. 
Areas to the South and East have been evacuated. 

The farm should be OK, at least with this storm at this point, it will definitely be to the East of us and Houston is so large that the farm is way outside the  cone of uncertainty.  Of course we are in downtown Houston so we'll have to watch the skies.  They are predicting wind and rain later today.

More after it's over.  Thoughts for those in its path because this is a VERY large and powerful storm.


  1. With it moving in your direction and having powerful winds; do you and 2nd man head down to the lower floors of your complex?
    Just stay safe

    1. Well, we've never been here during this and the building was built about 10 years ago. All Houston high-rise buildings have to have a special resistant glass and residential buildings have to go even stronger. They say 140mph winds. We're hoping we don't have to worry about that but the way the building is designed there are safe areas with no windows, etc. Being a high-rise means it's concrete between floors and between units. Not just normal wood so fingers crossed!

  2. Am thinking of you both - hope that it does not wobble your way. Roderick

  3. Fingers crossed that Laura will be a little kinder than expected. Stay safe!

  4. Hunker down and stay safe!

  5. I just dread this time of year, late August thru September, because it’s hurricane season. Laura has been wobbling all around threatening our area at times. I’ve been watching all day and now it looks like Houston will get some wind and rain but East Texas and Louisiana will be hit hard with this CAT 4 storm - I feel so sorry for all affected.

  6. Prayers for all in its path, but especially for you 3. Stay safe. Jean


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