
Monday, August 10, 2020


Well it was as I suspected.  The grass was really high.  Still not the highest ever (that was after our almost month of rain a couple of seasons ago), but it was probably a close second or third.  Sigh.

I got the mower out of the shed and started mowing about 10:15am.

Two hours later I was done.  This was another near record length mowing time.  Love this app to keep track of these things from year to year.

It looked good when I was done.  A couple of you mentioned that I we might have it set a bit too low.  I bumped it up a bit.  Still short but with the possibility of having to miss a mow some weekend because of rain, still short enough not to make things so bad.  Someday, when we're out there full time, mowing will become more regular, a couple times a week a little at a time so that it's not so much at once.

This was at 2pm.  I had mowed and watered the trees and moved some stuff around from the barn to the shed.  I also checked the fence line but it was just so hot (feels like 103) I was done.  August is the one month a year when we really just do the least amount we have to outside.  The humidity just drains you.  I was going to edge but again, least amount possible and I just didn't have it in me.

No homeowners association to complain, no neighbors to ask why, no curb appeal yard of the month to worry about and I don't have to post THOSE pictures here, LOL, so I skipped it.  Hoping this weekend I won't have to mow and I can edge and that will be the "least" for this weekend, ha.

I noticed this banana spider (also called golden orb spider) on the porch had a wasp that it had captured for its next meal.  We're OK with that. 

And here's some truth right here.  There were a few times when the sun went behind the clouds and I sighed with relief.

Alas, shade is fleeting. 

Hope you had a good weekend, tomorrow a fruit tree update after the "goat incident".


  1. I think we're in for a heat wave this entire week, I'm not a fan :)
    Your place always looks so well-kept and neat, what a serene and beautiful place to call home in the future months.

    1. Well thank you for that. It's definitely serene. Neat and well-kept, well, sometimes, ha. it's a work in progress. Sometimes I lose momentum and fall behind. The weather here is so unpredictable (usually with unexpected rains) so when we have plans and then it pours for two weeks, we have to postpone or put off till the next season, ha. Thanks and stay safe!

  2. We've only been having a few hot days this July/August and today was a hot, humid one. Silly me went out for a walk and came back baked. The bright skies did not last as at teatime there was a downpour. It's cool this evening. Try to keep cool.

    1. Thank you, we always try to stay as cool as possible. Glad your weather hasn't been too hot. But like you said even a walk is at times unbearable. You stay cool, and safe!

  3. yeah but you are in texas and i am in the northeast. we have the same weather!!! ugh!!!

    1. Isn't that weird? You know our pain that's for sure. But you DO have real Fall and Winter, ha. And we know you can't wait for Fall, the most beautifully decorated Autumn house ever!!

  4. I think that August has the worst heat – or maybe it’s because we are all just so tired of the heat for the past months. I’m glad you’re doing only the essentials outside at the Farm – the heat and humidity combination is so oppressive.
    Mr. Yellow Garden Spider is doing a good job taking care of the pests around the Farm.

    1. I think it is the worst but it's also that we're so tired of it too, ha. It's definitely the time of year to just do the least. This weekend I hope it's just edging and then I might pull up the stuff in the garden. The spiders are all over and while they look formidable and scary I know they are good in the garden so I just leave them alone. They are fun to watch.

  5. Could you share what app you use for mowing? Thanks!

    1. Hi! Absolutely!! I have it on my iPhone so I got it in the App Store and it's called "Mowerplus" (all one word). It's for John Deere but that's just to enter your own mower and they give recommendations for tune ups etc. If you have one it's neat if you don't it doesn't matter. Just type in your mower and start it up when you get ready to mow and keep your phone on you while you do it and when finished you "stop and save" and it creates the info I show above. It also gives you a google earth image of the paths you took during mowing. Best of all, free! Hope that helps!


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