
Sunday, August 9, 2020


It's a lazy day around here.  Yesterday was the farm.  It was hot.  Update on that tomorrow.  Today it's even hotter.  Our "feels like" (temp + humidity) is 105 degrees.  Good day to stay in where it's cool.

Hobart is sleeping (post catnip high) on his blanket using his toy as a pillow.  Yeah it's a rough life when you are one of our cats, ha.

I brought some fresh rosemary back from the farm and we cut up some lemons (can't wait until they are our own lemons) and stuffed a couple of chickens.

They are roasted now but since we had breakfast while they were cooking, we'll save one for later today and then we'll take the meat off the other, vacuum seal and save for future use.

Stay cool, we're trying...


  1. that's it, hobart, show your daddies what to do on a sunday.

  2. wicked hot here too. i've had it with this summer. actually, come to think about it, i've had it with this whole damn year!

  3. Those are pretty pictures. The chicken looks delicious!

  4. Those pictures make me want to lick the screen haha. You make me hungry. I use a rotisserie chicken from the store to take the meat and put in chicken casserole. Many recipes online you can find. Enjoy and Hobart, well, that's pure love there. - Rebecca

  5. Your roasted chickens look wonderful! Roasting two at a time makes so much sense and is super convenient for making future meals.
    Hobart has the right idea. He looks so comfy in that photo.
    Your summer heat picture of Texas’ location to the sun – how true!

  6. Very, Very Hot and we have the month of August yet to go through.
    Like Becky, I also buy my rotisserie chickens from the store.( 2 for $9.00 ) Cheaper than buying a whole raw chicken, adding own spices/seasonings and heating up the oven as well as the kitchen for what I can buy 2 chickens already done.
    After I remove All the meat & skin from the bones, I then cook the bones & skin and make chicken stock; stain, and then put in freezer safe containers & place in freezer for future use. Cooking the bones makes for a wonderful chicken stock / broth.


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